Zombie Carnival
ゾンビ・カーニバル | |
Phonetic: | Zonbi Kānibaru |
Civilization: | Darkness |
Card Type: | Spell |
Mana Cost: | 5 |
English Text: |
Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) ■ Choose a race. Return up to 3 creatures of that race from your graveyard to your hand. |
Japanese Text: |
S・トリガー (この呪文をシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ唱えてもよい) ■ 種族を1つ選ぶ。自分の墓地から、その種族のクリーチャーを3体まで選び、自分の手札に加える。 |
Flavor Texts: | "Don't just sit there like a corpse-get up and dance!" —Bat Doctor (DM-09) 死んでる暇があったら踊れ! (DM-09/DMC-14/DMC-21/DMC-34) 墓場で寝ている場合じゃねぇ! (P27/Y2) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Norikatsu Miyoshi |
DM-09 Fatal Brood of Infinite Ruin
35/55 — Common DM-09 Invincible Blood 47/55 — Common DMC-14 Crimson Armorloids Deck 62/78 — Common DMC-21 Zakira's Dragon Commander Power-Up Pack 74/102 — Common DMC-34 CoroCoro Dream Pack 2: Eternal Legacy 47/55 — Common Promotional P27/Y2 — Common | |
Other Card Information:
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Zombie Carnival