Duel Masters Wiki
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Duel Masters Wiki
  • Q. I choose one of my opponent's evolution creatures that costs 3 or less with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi. What happens to the evolution sources?
    • A. Along with the chosen evolution creature, the evolution sources are also put into the graveyard. If you choose an evolution creature with the effect of "Choose an element and destroy it.", the evolution source will be put into the graveyard at the same time, just like when you use the effect of "Choose a creature and destroy it.". source [2022.4.14]

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

  • 200.3a Cards that are underneath a card due to evolution, etc have their characteristics ignored during gameplay. However, when 'cards' are specified, the characteristics are referenced. When specifying other things than 'cards' (such as 'creature'), these characteristics aren't referenced.

    Example: A water creature that is evolved over a light and water creature is only treated as a water creature, and its power and race are unaffected by the underneath cards. However, a card such as 'Team Tech's Wave Go!' can affect the cards underneath them if they match the conditions.

    Example: 'Bangetsu 卍 Ga・Ryuzark 卍' refers to Magic Tools as a race, so cards underneath '卍 De Szark 卍' can't be referenced.

From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

  • 200.3a 進化などによってカードの下に置かれているカードは通常のゲーム中は特性が無視されています。ただし、カードを指定する場合、特性は参照されます。カード以外を指定する場合は参照されません
    例:光と水文明を持つクリーチャーの上に進化した水のクリーチャーは水のクリーチャーであり、パワーも種族も下のカードから影響されません。ただし、《テック団の波壊 Go!》の効果を受けた場合、下のカードもコストを参照し、適正であれば効果を受けます。
    例:《卍月 ガ・リュザーク 卍》の無月の門・絶は魔導具を参照しているため、《卍 デ・スザーク 卍》の下にあるカードは参照できません。

  • Q. Can I choose a card that costs 3 or less that is underneath one of my opponent's evolution creatures with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. No, you can't choose it. Cards underneath a card have their characteristics ignored, so the cost can't be referenced. The card type is also ignored, so it can't be treated as an element. source [2022.4.14]
  • Q. Can I choose a seal on top of one of my opponent's cards with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. No, you can't choose it. It's not an element, as the properties of the seal are usually unobservable. source [2022.4.14]
  • From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 200.3b The characteristics of a seal can't be referenced. If a seal is specified as a card, it is treated as a card with a cost 0 and no other characteristics.

    From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 200.3b 封印の特性は確認できません。封印をカード指定する場合、コストは0で、他の特性がないカードとして扱います。

  • Q. Can I choose an Aura, equipped weapon or a crossed cross gear with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. Yes, Aura, Weapons and Cross Gear are elements, so you can choose to destroy them if they cost 3 or less. In addition, only the chosen element is destroyed, so a creature that had an aura, a creature that had a crossed crossed cross gear or a creature that had an equipped weapon won't be destroyed and will stay in the battle zone. source [2022.4.14]
  • Q. What happens to a crossed crossed gear with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. The crossed gear stays in the battle zone. If you choose a creature with the effect of "Choose one of your opponent's elements and destroy it.", only the creature is destroyed. The crossed gear won't be destroyed. source [2022.4.14]
  • Q. Can I choose and destroy one of the King Cells that combine to make Volzeos Balamord with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. Yes, the King Cell is an element and is treated as 0 cost, so you can choose to destroy it. You can also apply the replacement effect of "When this creature would leave, ... instead" from the EX Life shield of Volzeos Balamord and put that shield into your graveyard instead of the combined creature. source [2022.4.14]
  • From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 812.1a King Cells don't have a cost or race by themselves, and are treated as having a cost of 0.

    From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 812.1a キング・セルはそれ単独でコストと種族を持たず、コストを参照する場合は0として扱います。

  • Q. My opponent has a a linked Heavy, Extreme Dragon God and Izumo, Humanity God in the battle zone. Can I choose and destroy the 'Izumo, Humanity God' of the 2 linked creatures with the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi?
    • A. No, it can't be chosen and can't be destroyed. 2 linked creatures are treated as one creature with the combined characteristics. Therefore you can't choose only one of them with an effect that chooses a creature or element. In this example, the linked 'Heavy, Extreme Dragon God' and 'Izumo, Humanity God' are treated as a creature that costs 7. source
  • From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 803.1b A linked god is treated as a creature with all combined characteristics of each God that it conssts of, including name, abilities and civilizations. Regardless of the number of cards in the God Link, its only treated as one creature.

    From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.43 (December 20, 2024)

    • 803.1b リンクしたゴッドは、1体のクリーチャーとしてそれを構成する各ゴッドの名前、能力、文明などの特性をすべて持つものとして扱います。ただし、それを構成する各カードの個別の特性を変更させるものではなく、集合体として1体のクリーチャーとして扱うことに注意してください。

  • Q. I used the "when you put" ability of Zack Cannon Pichi to destroy a 卍 Grand Zero 卍 which had a Gashagon, Misfortune Demon 98 / Bloodu, Daspell underneath. What happens to the card(s) underneath?
    • A. It will be put into the graveyard along with '卍 Grand Zero 卍'. If you choose a field with the effect of "Choose an element and destroy it.", the cards underneath also go to the graveyard. source [2022.4.14]
  • Zack Cannon Pichi