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Duel Masters Wiki
Japanflag Japanese (base): わかりミーア♥
Japanflag Phonetic: Wakarimīa ♥
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 2
Races: Dreammate / Team Wave Team Wave
English Text:

Buzzrender black Buzzrender C2 (When you pay this creature's cost, you may pay any number of additional C2. When you put this creature into the battle zone, use its Buzzrender2 ability once and the number of additional times you paid C2.)

Buzzrender Put one of your creatures into your mana zone tapped.

Japanese Text:

Buzzrender black C2 (このクリーチャーのコストを支払う時、追加でC2を好きなだけ支払ってもよい。このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンに出たときそのBuzzrender2能力をC2回と、追加で1支払った回数、使う)

Buzzrender 自分のクリーチャーを1体、タップしてマナゾーンに置く。

Power: 3000
Flavor Text: ヴィヤンドゥの肉料理も、プワソンの魚料理も素晴らしい出来だが、自分のフルコースを見つけてないようじゃまだまだだね。"Both Viandes' meat dishes and Poisson's fish dishes were excellent, but if you haven't found your perfect full course meal yet, you still have a long way to go." -Rabichef the Head Chef (DM24-EX1)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: sarmat
Other Card Information: