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Vortex Evolution
Japanflag 進化しんかVボルテックス
(Shinka Borutekkusu)
Released: DM-12 Eternal Vortex
Dmwiki.net: Article
Category for Vortex Evolution

Vortex Evolution is an evolution keyword.


It is similar to an evolution creature but unlike an evolution creature, it requires 2 creatures to evolve from. The card text states which type of creature (like race or civilization) the vortex evolution requires to evolve from. You need to have at least one creature of both those characteristics in the battle zone to summon a vortex evolution creature. Once you have the required creatures, put one of those creatures on top of the other and while summoning the vortex evolution, put it on top of that stack.

They are pretty difficult to summon as the player has to already have two creatures in the battle zone making it a loss of Field Advantage. However, due to this they tend to have higher than usual cost to power ratio.

Remember that if the vortex evolution creature is from 2 different civilizations, you still need to tap at least one mana of the same civilization as each of those civilizations. For example, while summoning Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life, you need to tap at least one Nature and one Light mana to summon it.

It is usually found on creatures with the Phoenix race.

There is a variant, Galaxy Vortex evolution with further deviations.

Reminder Text[]

The latest reminder text for Vortex evolution reads:

Vortex evolution—Put on one of your RACE1 and one of your RACE2.


4 Soul Phoenix, Avatar of Unity
Soul Phoenix, Avatar of Unity
Fire Fire Nature Nature / Evolution Creature Evolution icon
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
Vortex evolution—Put on one of your Fire Birds and one of your Earth Dragons.
■ Triple breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields.)
■ When this creature would leave the battle zone, only the top card leaves the battle zone instead. (Separate the other cards into 2 creatures.)

Cards with the Vortex Evolution ability[]

