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Babylonian Reanimation was a gimmicky reanimation deck type using Veil Babylonia, Blue Divine Dragon.


The basic flow is as follows:

  1. Have Veil Babylonia, Blue Divine DragonCommander Technobuster and Dorothea, the Explorer in the battle zone.
  2. First invoke the effect the effect of Technobuster to draw two cards.
  3. Activate Veil Babylonia's substitution effect to draw two cards and discard one card.
  4. Then draw next card with the effect of Dorothea after having discarded a card.
  5. Go back to step 3.

​Repeat this procedure till most of the needed cards in the grave.

Now that most of your needed creatures are in the grave, it prepares for a lot of Reanimation potential the next turn. Any number of Necrodragon Guljeneraids can be revived with its effect next turn, likely with Babelginus, Demonic Dragon and getting a Kiryu Jilves, Gaia's Roar from grave would essentially mean a single turn KO.

You can also build the deck in order to use Hellgate Moon, the Enlightened, although deck building difficulty will most likely rise up.

  • In DM-36 Necrodragon End of the World appeared. Because the deck itself has a lot of combo parts, with End of the World, the deck could be maneuvered much more smoothly.
