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Just to put some old talkpages in the same place. And if the http://kirricorp.freetzi.com/ pages die.

Also has info from Civilizations.


The Light world is made up of midair colonies, rich with resources and sophisticated technology. Originally, it was a self-sustaining, self-sufficient society that managed to remain isolated and undisturbed by keeping the territory closed to outside communication and invasion. The Light world was the most peaceful, ideal place among all the civilizations.

Unfortunately, that peace was shattered when other civilizations lost their homelands and were forced to invade in order to survive. The Light civilization met this hostility by becoming increasingly involved in battles against those intruders. After watching their resources become rapidly depleted, they have since taken a more aggressive stance toward the outside world.

Light inhabitants make their homes above the clouds on a group of floating islands. Unfettered by gravity, the central city is surrounded by many small satellite colonies. All the structures are similarly oriented in a right-left or up-down symmetry, and are built of alloys and energy fields.

The creatures of the Light civilization believe in order, conservatism, obedience, and eternity. They adhere to a strict hierarchy, with Light Bringers at the top of a highly developed system. Compared to the other civilizations, the population in the Light world is small, but the ability of each individual is significantly greater. Like their architecture, many creatures have shiny, symmetrical shapes, and hover in the air with their weapons close by.

After a catastrophic explosion, the Dragons awoke. The chaos and destruction that followed rivaled even the devastating global war that preceded it. The Light Bringers, the most powerful rulers of The Light Civilization, sought to not only shield their civilization from this new danger, but also find a way to attack and conquer these ancient beasts that had risen from the ashes. What they discovered was a way to channel the power of the sun itself, leading to the birth of the Angel Command. This harnessing of omnipotent energy created unimaginably strong creatures; it also spelled the end of life as it had existed on the planet. As the Angels powered into action, night was blasted from the sky, and as they battled the venerable Dragons, their titanic battles knocked the planet off its alignment.

Those that exist in the Civilization of Light feel they have a responsibility to the other civilizations. Since their technology is advanced beyond the other realms, and since they have a strong desire for peace, they believe it is essential to keep their high-powered toys away from the lower, war-like states. By doing this, they feel they are saving the planet from massive destruction. The colonies that make up the Light Civilization levitate in mid-air, and are unencumbered by the harshness of gravity. The main city is surrounded by satellite towns. Their main resource is light, though they are also able to weave the molecules of the atmosphere together into a sort of fabric. This peace-loving society was virtually unknown and undisturbed until much of the land and water territories were destroyed, which led the survivors to attempt an invasion of Light's dwellings. Quickly, the Light joined forces with the Nature Civilization. To this day, Nature continues to be the only society that truly respects the Light. The main goal of the Light is to bring order and peace to the world again. Because of this, they have placed themselves as superior noble warriors in the sky, watching over the development and destruction of those below.

The Light Bringers are the ultimate rulers of the Light Civilization, although it is said that only a dozen of them exist. Their ability to both control and advance their civilization with so few numbers is proof of their awesome power. The Light Bringers that exist today are clones of Light Bringers born thousands of years ago. Hidden in a core chamber, deep within one of the main sky cities, exists the original programming and data that holds the key to the survival of the Light Bringer race. As long as this stored information is kept safe, nothing can ever happen to this omnipotent race of creatures. This technological advancement, along with many others, has far surpassed anything even the savvy Water Civilization has devised. Water knows this, and covets Light's knowledge, relentlessly seeking it, whether through negotiation, ambassadorship, or, when all else fails, violence. Light has little concern about the threat posed by the acquisitive Water Civilization however: after all, the fish have to find a way to fly before they can even think about threatening Light.

Because those in the Light Civilization realize they are much more advanced than the land dwelling civilizations that live beneath them, they have taken it upon themselves to be the protectors of the planet. They watch over those below and try to keep them from utterly destroying one another. This has brought what would normally be a peaceful people face to face with war. As inexperienced warriors, they sought out the assistance of the Forest Civilization. Those of the Forest have always viewed the Light as strange deities that exist as guardians in the clouds. It is the only race that has held onto this belief into the present day, and incorporated it into even its most modern concepts. For this reason, they are the perfect allies for Light.

In the Light Civilization, Mecha Thunders are seen as heroes. They are celebrated and honored with medals, invited to speak at public events, and given celebrity status in the public eye. Their lives, however, are radically different from what they knew before their Forming. They do not have the freedom to find a mate unless that mate is also a Mecha Thunder; they are not allowed to sleep anywhere but the barracks assigned to them; and they can never be removed from their Forming state. These precautions keep the secrets of the Mecha Thunder technology from getting into the wrong hands.

During a storm, the upper part of a cloud is charged positively, while the lower part is charged negatively, like a capacitor. This is caused by molecules bouncing off of one another as water evaporates, condenses, and freezes. Thus lightning is born--lightning that is a key source of energy for the Light Civilization during the darker parts of the year. Some blasts of lightning are so powerful that they reach a temperature similar to that on the surface of the sun. This energy is used by the Light to power their magnificent cities and fuel their vast armies. Much research is being done to better understand the workings of storms in order to create a more predictable source of extra energy.

The armor of the Guardians breathes in hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides caused by fuel combustion, explosions, and volcanic eruptions, and exhales fresh, breathable air. This is a protective device invented by the Light Bringers to ensure that their own civilization be kept beautiful and clean. It is the same elegant solution that plants and trees use in their photosynthesis process. Still, there is much to be worked on. With the war raging below, the air becomes more and more stagnant with hazardous pollutants. When left alone, these kinds of waste are harmful to beasts and plants alike--when combined with the powerful energy emitted by the sun, however, they become outright poisonous. Unfortunately, those living in the Light Civilization emanate and channel sunlight as a way of life, meaning the speed at which these toxic fumes grow is unimaginable. The Light Bringers are constantly developing new ways to utilize these poisons as a resource. It is rumored that they are developing a shield of strength that is virtually invisible, and runs on the very toxins that threaten to destroy their home.


They were once seen as gods, and their most powerful defenders are called "angels". Because they live up in the sky, the Light creatures have the respect or fear of the other four civilizations, and they have taken advantage of their past security to build a magnificent empire in the clouds.

Like the civilization's stunning buildings, many of the light beings also have shiny, symmetrical forms and hover in the air. The Light creatures believe in concepts like order, obedience, and the ability of each individual to make a difference.

Though they prefer peace, they can bring potent weapons to the battlefield, including laser beams, gravity fields, and teleportation devices. When an overpowering army of berserkers, gladiators, guardians and mecha thunders head your way, by the time you see the light, it may be too late.



The world of Water is half-land, half-sea. Inhabitants, who once lived only in water, have had to learn to adapt to both in their search for sustainable environments.

Because energy resources are more abundant there, cities are built in water. In spite of the oceanic depths, they are clean and bright, well lit by luminous bodies. At the center of the main metropolitan area is the Tower, shaped like a spiraling strand of DNA, where the Cyber Lords float in their cylinders. Surrounding the Tower are transparent buildings, constructed from solidified seawater that can be altered as necessary.

Although not common knowledge, the source of energy for this civilization is found in a hidden ocean current. Those that possess this secret knowledge make up a powerful few.

Inhabitants of the Water civilization worship technology. They prefer study and research to real action, and in wartime depend on strategies and tactics rather than direct attack. Controlled by Cyber Lords, many water creatures have a chip installed in their bodies. They communicate and exchange information telepathically. Those with higher intelligence are able to alter their body shape in response to the environment. They can also manipulate the seawater around them, transforming it into a weapon, armor, clothing, or transportation suitable for land or sea.

80% of this planet's surface is covered with water, making it vast, wild, and teeming with life. Rotation of the world on its axis causes the water to circulate away from its equator, creating many differing currents, both deep and shallow. The creatures of the Water Civilization use these currents as a massive and never-ending source of power. Metropolitan, once the largest and most advanced city in the Water Civilization, was located along a very strong current that was kept secure and secret from other Civilizations. Eventually, however, the current was followed, and the enemies of Water discovered Metropolitan. Much of the civilization of the deep was destroyed in battles stemming from the discovery of this and other hidden currents, including that beloved and ancient city. It was soon discovered that the Fire Civilization was to blame for the unwarranted attacks beneath the sea. The Cyber Lords began to ally with both the Civilization of Light and their Stygian enemies, the Dark Civilization, to gain an edge against the fierce, warrior races of Fire. Although tense and strained, this alliance still exists in the modern world. This relationship and the advent of advanced technology has allowed the Water Civilization to cause more damage to its enemies than any other race on the planet.

Though much rebuilding has taken place in the great Metropolitan to recreate it in all of its original glory, another major city has been created. Most of the inhabitants of the sea do not know of this new place; only those held in the highest regard have been made aware of it. In trade for giving his pod status in the new city and a place on its powerful council, King Mazelan has agreed to use his pod to ensure the protection of this secret place. The sonic range of a Leviathan is so extensive that a creature can be stopped before they can even see a hint that a city might lie in the distance. They are turned away--if they are too curious, they are consumed. This new city is luminous, with every color glowing vibrantly and echoing through the water. It has spiraling towers that roll in on themselves like stained glass. Technology has bloomed in this new place creating fast convenience, impenetrable protection, and instant communication. It is said this breathtaking new city will be open to the rest of Water very soon.



Toxic gas fills the air and total darkness envelops the vast underground world of the Darkness civilization. Here in this inhospitable place, lifespans are short, and inhabitants are consumed with the desire for immortality. Endless attempts to lengthen their lives have served only to spoil the land and contaminate their surroundings.

Experiments have generated numerous deadly diseases, disrupted the space-time continuum, and poisoned and confused the natural order of things. For now, only a few cities remain in a jumble of clashing architecture. Every one and everything is out of sync, life is incoherent and events are incongruous. It is as if a demon had cast a spell on them all.

Darkness creatures are most easily recognized by their masks and armor made of bone. Their bodies are disfigured and misshapen, with flesh rotting off, from the toxic gas and diseases that pervade their world. After living in darkness for so long, most Darkness creatures are completely blind.

To survive the toxic gas, Darkness creatures keep their masks on at all times. Even outside of the Dark world, they are unable to survive without gas masks. Consequently, they are extremely vulnerable in a clean-air environment.

Darkness inhabitants are on a never-ending search for immortality. Driven by madness and selfishness, tormented by fear and despair, they struggle to conquer and control.

Toxic gases and despair permeate everything in the bleakness that is the Darkness Civilization. Deep within the earth lies the filth and disease that the creatures from this banal society live and die in everyday. Death is commonplace, but the weary dead do not rest--these creatures rise again to become nothing more than rotted, animated corpses. Their nature is unerringly territorial and violent. Their desire to destroy anything living comes from the harsh jealousy they feel toward those that live above them in the clean light. It is utter chaos at every moment beneath the earth. These sorry souls struggle against the fiery, acrid elements that rend skin from bone and poison everything in sight. Except, of course, for the Dark Lords. These power-mad nobles walk with confidence and pride above the tumult of the few living and the countless dead. They revel in the suffering of their lessers, and demand staunch obedience and respect at all times. Their cruelty is unmatched. General Dark Fiend himself makes it a habit to cut a swath through the horde of great unwashed with his mighty sword as he strolls to his castle for lunch.

In the cruel, putrid environment that is the Underdark, there exists a way of life almost as poisonous as the very air: the wretched inhabitants seek out ways to cheat and destroy one another in a perverse attempt to discover the secret to eternal life. During the great cataclysm that depleted the once vast underground landscape, many of the creatures suddenly realized just how fragile life was and how easily it could be taken away en masse. It became common belief that the great explosion was a punishment for holding too greedily onto life itself. The quest for immortality became a religion, and sacrifice for that cause became its one and only tenet. For thousands of years, the creatures have conducted grueling, inhuman experiments on one another--both willingly and unwillingly--to achieve eternal life. This has so befouled the entire civilization that none can breathe without a gas mask except for the Ghost race.

The entrance most used to gain access to the underdark by those that live there is called the Black Maze of Tears--this is considered the 'front door' to the realms of Darkness. It is a living maze of tunnels that cross over each other, dead end, and roll back on themselves. Some points of the caves twist down into openings barely large enough for a small human to snake through. Throughout this 300 mile knot of caves are reservoirs of space that are inhabited by groups from the different races of the Dark. These races keep mutated monsters in the reservoirs with them. Any creatures that attempt to gain access to the main living areas of the underdark had better be welcome, or else be prepared for inevitable death in the pitch blackness of the Maze. Further, many of the caves were carved by water, from sources that are still present in the underdark--however, all such water is contaminated by putrid disease. When traveling through the caves, there is no way to avoid contact with this tainted water--it is the one element that will, eventually, cause the demise of any invader.

The only belief the wretched creatures of the Darkness civilization share with each other is that they can achieve eternal life. They have sacrificed what was once a pristine and magical network of caves in the Underdark in order to fulfill this desire. Because of the massive experiments to find eternal life, the sacrifices of thousands to find the soul, and the fetid pools of disease developed to cause life everlasting with a virus, everything in this world is befouled. This driving goal haunts these creatures day and night, an obsession that festers in every individual, living and dead, by the constant experimentation of the Dark Lords. This is an unholy religion to the creatures of the Dark, and many have sacrificed their lives for it.



The dry, hot climate of the Fire civilization stretches over a series of islands covered in volcanic ash and solidified magma. Constant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other seismic activities make for an unstable habitat. Very little vegetation survives.

The history of this land is a history of war between Dragonoids and Humans. Once a thriving civilization, Fire creatures enjoyed the benefits of advanced technology, focused in part on weapon development. During the Ancient War, a powerful weapon using magma was introduced that caused a major shift in the planet’s crust. As a result, the small continent lost most of its surface to the sea, most of the mountains threatened to become active volcanoes, and the Fire civilization suffered significant setbacks, all the while experiencing increasingly vigorous volcanic activities. Although some artifacts from the Ancient War were preserved in the ruins, inhabitants are now in constant search of their long-lost technology.

In the Fire civilization, volcanoes are the symbol of power. Dragonoids have learned how to force an eruption and utilize it as a weapon. Although it requires several months for preparation, and targeting is haphazard, this "volcano weapon" is overwhelmingly destructive.

Meanwhile, Fire creatures have turned to mining to facilitate a lifestyle that revolves around the use of iron, gunpowder, magma, and steam. Once a mountain has been mined and hollowed, they transform it into a habitable fortress reinforced with metal. They build steam engines for transportation and mining, and use the resulting clouds of smoke and steam to shield them from their enemies.

Aggressive, yet simple-minded, Fire creatures are extremely confident and self-assured. They seek nothing short of complete victory over their enemies, and show no mercy. The thought of coexisting does not occur to them only annihilation and eradication. Even when losing, Fire creatures refuse to surrender. They fight to the death proudly, knowing retreat can bring only shame and dishonor.

Fire creatures enjoy a good spectacle and love to show off. On the battlefield, they tend to overdress and over arm, to the point where the creature inside is no longer recognizable.

The entirety of the Fire Civilization is littered with volcanoes. These violent and active mountains are a symbol of power to the creatures of Fire. For centuries it was believed that the ancient Dragons did not sleep but actually had fused with the earth, creating the mighty, horrifically beautiful volcanoes that dominated the landscape. Many of these violent domes were worshiped, and altar offerings were set at their bases. Each creature among Fire believed he or she was actually a representations of these volcanoes. They sought battle believing they were the superior, chosen race gifted with living upon the very lands where Gods reigned. They donned the most extravagant armor and the most powerful weapons when they fought, often appearing enraged and insane upon the field, in emulation of a volcanic eruption. Today, not much has changed with the superior attitude of the Fire creatures. The only difference now is that they have been gifted with the physical presence of their Gods, the Dragons. The Fire creatures tout their superiority, and pride themselves on their destructive capabilities as a tribute to these ancient and mighty creatures.

In the harsh, dangerous environment of the Fire Civilization, Armored Wyverns are the most likely to survive without armor, the heavy metal only necessary in battle, to protect the creatures from the weapons of their enemies. When going into battle, the smaller Armored Wyverns are usually the first to attack. They attempt to overwhelm the enemy, breaking down their defensive shields and screeching so loudly that the approaching army is unable to communicate. From above the Mega-Squadron comes a Squadron of giant Wyverns to ensure death from above while the ground troops deal it below.

To say that the lands of the Fire Civilization are dangerous is an understatement. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and leaking poisons make stability here nearly impossible. They revere life, but they find joy in death. Battle is their religion and anything that gives them an edge against their enemies is cherished. To them, the only honor is battling at any cost. The way to gain the respect of the other warriors in Fire is to make a larger explosion, kill more enemies, or simply go out with a bang. For centuries, creatures in this vivid place stood on their own, fighting against anything that stepped upon their territory. They destroyed enemies, friends, and family with equal abandon. After the cataclysm that decimated so much of the world’s land resource and set the Fire lands ablaze, they began to think differently. Water Civilization was upon them instantly, attempting to usurp the bits of burning land that were left. As Fire became overwhelmed, they realized they had common purpose against this new foe and joined together into the formidable tribe that exists today.

The lands of the Fire Civilization are made up of islands connected by a massive, unstable tectonic plate deep beneath the sea. This plate supports a series of violent volcanoes scattered amongst the islands and sea floor. When these submerged volcanoes erupt, they create catastrophic swells that decimate the island beaches. Even after witnessing the devastation of the tsunami-high swells, it is only when traveling further inland that the true destruction of the chained volcanoes becomes evident. Thousands of volcanic mountains, linked by magma tunnels deep in the earth, create earthquakes, arid weather, and ashen silt that cover everything. Ash, soil, and sand melt together under the constant heat from flowing lava to create a thick layer of black, shiny glass over much of the islands' surfaces. This glass, called obsidian, is extremely thick, very hard, and jaggedly sharp. Beneath it are deeply buried deposits of valuable ore that are mined by the Fire creatures. Having adapted to survive this brutal environment, these creatures believe they are supreme. Each day they survive is proof that theirs is a towering monument of civilization; lesser creatures do not dare to inhabit this hostile terrain. To the Fire creatures, every day is like a war, and they welcome the challenge of battle as an opportunity to prove themselves again and again.


Their hunger for destruction destroyed paradise.

During the Ancient War, the thriving Fire civilization pushed their experiments further and further until they discovered a massively powerful weapon, a weapon that turned the earth's molten lava into a deadly tool. unfortunately for the Fire beings, the magma weapon caused a dramatic shift in the Earth's crust and shattered their cities. Gone were the technological marvels of the past, replaced by ash-spewing volcanoes and crippling earthquakes.

The Fire civilization rebuilt, and its people hardened. They now fought without mercy and continued until they annihilated their enemy and took all the enemy's possessions for themselves. A Fire creature will never surrender. It's better to die honorably than retreat and face shame after the battle. because they like to show off, Fire creatures overdress for each battle, so much so that with all the armor and weapons, you might not recognize what's inside all that equipment.



A dense jungle covers the largest continent, home to the Nature civilization. Here in the hot, humid climate, vegetation grows tall and thick and little sunlight is able to penetrate the vast canopy above.

World Trees, have grown so tall and store so much energy, they almost touch the cities in the Light's world. Their stored energy has resulted in a distortion of gravity on the Nature world, creating an overpowering gravitational pull. Creatures from other civilizations are unable to function freely in this unrelenting atmosphere.

Although there are many races in this unique ecology, there are no cities and no one race governs. Instead it is a society where "might makes right," and even Beast Folk, the most advanced of the races, possess only a rudimentary level of technology.

To survive the oppressive gravity on this continent, Nature creatures have developed extraordinarily muscular physiques.

The more advanced races practice the art of body tattooing. Designs often represent religious icons, based on their belief in animism or spiritual worship. The most commonly used symbol is an "eye."

In the past, Nature inhabitants paid little attention to the other civilizations. Now the search for more hospitable surroundings by Darkness and Water civilizations poses a serious threat to the Nature lifestyle. Avoidance of intercivilization war is no longer an option in the struggle for survival.

From the canopy of the Forest to the rich, deep soil that lies beneath, light is required for life and prosperity. Fortunately, light has always been abundant for the Forest races, and the creatures of Nature have always believed that those living above them are spiritual creatures of the heavens, the source of the life-giving Light. Because of this, the Light Civilization chose to ally itself with these rustic folk when they realized the carnage that was taking place in their beautiful Forest. The beasts and beings of the Forest immediately joined with the Light-- together, they were able to push back the bleak droves that festered in their home. Since the great explosion, the relationship between the Forest and the Light has grown into a brotherhood benefiting both sides.

The Horned Beasts are credited with uniting all the creatures of the Forests after the accursed Darkness Civilization destroyed the Fiana Woods. It is said that as that terrible day turned to night, while the Forest crumbled around them, the Beasts rose up, threw back their heads, and called with a howl mighty enough to rival the Storm Gods. This was the sound that calmed the Forest creatures, and made them remember that unity was their salvation. One by one they stopped fleeing from the destruction around them, and fought together to vanquish the Darkness. To this day, on the full moon nearest the anniversary of that tragedy, the Forest creatures hold a ceremony called Ulunas. Raging Dash-Horn begins the evening with a long, sorrowful howl to honor those that fell that night. The rest of the Beasts join in and cry out to the Gods of the skies like they did so long ago. When the howl stops, the festivities begin.

Fiana Woods lies deep within the innermost part of the Forest. This place is so rich with magical power that World Trees soar upwards until their canopies appear to be mounted against the cerulean sky. During Ulunas, the creatures of the Forest attempt to climb to the top of the tallest tree in Fiana Woods, in an attempt to reach the Heavens. None have ever reached this staggering apex, partially because of the overwhelming effort it takes, and partially because no one truly wishes to know what lies beyond their own realm. The climb itself is not for the faint of heart. The Fiana Woods is known for its astonishing gravitational pull caused by the power emanating from the World Trees. To any creature not from the Woods, the climb would be impossible. However, Forest creatures have evolved to be exceptionally strong--every creature, plant, and tree has grown larger and thicker.

The Forest Civilization is a vast and wild expanse of thick, vicious jungles. The creatures here have learned to survive by relying on one another. Those that live in the Forest and consider themselves to be a part of it are joined by a fellowship that seems to be as strong as the blood pumping through them. The fertile jungles have been cultivated by many of the creatures of the Forest, each doing their part to contribute. This ability to farm has ensured the survival of all the races there--even during times of great struggle, these beings have survived, and often prospered. The Nocturnal Giant took responsibility for directing the Giant Insects in the art of pollination. To pollinate, the bugs had to visit particular flowers, which spread pollen between certain plants, enabling them to bear fruit. Although the Giant Insects already performed this task indiscriminately, it was difficult to convince them to pollinate plants that were edible for the rest of the Forest. In time, with great patience, the Nocturnal Giant found a way to teach them--farming has been a way of life ever since.

Horned Beasts are often called the "gentle giants of the forests" by other creatures living in the realm of the Nature Civilization. They are so docile that the children of the Beast Folk are given their first lessons about nature by touching and exploring these obliging animals. They are herbivorous, preferring to nosh on grasses to all other plants. 

Spirit Quartz[]

The shattering of the rainbow released unimaginable energies. One of the side effects of this was the awakening of the Spirit Quartz. It is not quite clear, even now, what exactly these creatures are, or why they are so powerful, but they seem, to most scholars of the Light and Water civilizations, to be the result of energies infusing the fossilized remains of creatures that died many years before. This belief is supported by the fact that there are none that seem to hold any alliance to the Light Civilization.

Spirit Quartz seem to require a balance of the energies of two different civilizations in order to exist at all. Their abilities vary greatly, drawing on the energies within them. Quartz of Darkness and Fire are sometimes destructive, sometimes resistant, whilst Fire and Nature Quartz are also, in an odd way, resistant. The most powerful Quartz take strange froms and manipulate the energies of their surroundings directly.

Of course, like nearly all other creatures of this world, the Spirit Quartz have found their way to evolve, and their Queen wields great destructive power both in combat and when breaking shields. Her form is so flawless that she wastes nearly no energy, the truest power of any Spirit Quartz.