Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
Japanflag Phonetic: Tsutankānen
Civilization: Colorless
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 3
Race: Jokers Jokers
English Text:

When you put this creature, draw a card.

Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーが出た時、カードを1枚引く。

Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: カネとカードはいくらあっても困らんのネン! 引きまくってダンガンオーを手に入れるのネン! "No matter how much money or cards I have, I won't be troubled! I'll draw like crazy to get Danganoh in my hands!" ─Tutankhanen (DMSD-01)
大量にジョーカーズを並べて、ガンバトラーG7を早出し! そこからの一斉攻撃が、このデッキの必勝法だ! ""Lay out a large number of Jokers and quickly summon Gunbutler Great Seven! The simultaneous attack from there is the winning strategy of this deck!" (DMSD-04)
カネも手札もいただきだ! オ・ルボワール(ごきげんよう)! "I'll take both the money and the cards! Oh, welcome! (Greetings)!" ─Joker (SpDeck3)
このクリーチャーなら、手札を減らさずバトルゾーンに並べられるぞ! ジョラゴンの能力を使うなら、手札は大事!! "This creature can be put onto the battle zone without reducing your hand! Using Joragon's ability, your hand is important!!" (SpDeck4)
2ターン目にJトルネード持ちを出したら、3ターン目にはツタンカーネンを出そう! Jトルネードで手札に戻せばお得だ!! "If you bring out a Jokers Tornado holder on the second turn, let's summon Tutankhanen on the third turn! It's a bargain if you return it to your hand with Jokers Tornado!!" (DMSD-13)
みんな、日本一めざして頑張るネン! "Everyone, let's strive to be the best in Japan!" (P67/Y16)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: sarmat
Other Card Information: