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Tsukai, Moon Magic
Civilizations: Light Light / Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 4
Races: Devil Mask / Gekko Kingdom Gekko Kingdom
English Text:

​​Blocker Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)

When you put this creature into the battle zone, put one of your shields into your graveyard.

Oshiokimoon black Oshiokimoon: Whenever a card leaves your shield zone, your opponent chooses and destroys one of their creatures.

Japanese Text:

​​Blocker ブロッカー(このクリーチャーをタップして、相手クリーチャーの攻撃先をこのクリーチャーに変更してもよい)

■ このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンに出た時、自分のシールドを1つ墓地に置く。

Oshiokimoon black カードが自分のシールドゾーンを離れた時、相手は自身のクリーチャーを1体選び、破壊する。

Power: 5500
Flavor Texts: 影を見つめる時 影もまたお前を見つめている
When you stare at the shadows, the shadows also stare at you.
(Translation: From within the shadows, assassins from Gekko Kingdom appear one after another, attacking Team Ginga.) (DMRP-15)
月光王国は、お仕置き代わりのカウンター攻撃で戦う王国だ! シールドをブレイクされたら、オシオキムーン発動のチャンス!!
Gekko Kingdom is a kingdom that fights with counter attacks instead of punishments! When the shield is broken, it's time to activate Oshiokimoon! (P56/Y19)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: Sansyu
越 貴文
Other Card Information: