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Trigger Ability
トリガー能力 (トリガー能力)

Trigger Ability is a term given to cards that have an ability that occurs when a specific condition is met.


In the comprehensive game rules, it is described as 誘発型能力 (Triggered Ability).

2 Quixotic Hero Swine Snout
 / Creature
Beast Folk
■ Whenever another creature is put into the battle zone, this creature gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

2 Propeller Mutant
 / Creature
■ When this creature is destroyed, your opponent discards a card at random from his hand.

After the trigger ability meats its condition, the effect is processed. This is known as "Resolution".

Trigger Ability rules

1. A trigger ability can't be resolved during the resolution of other triggered abilities or spells. If a trigger ability occurs during another a spell or other trigger ability, it will until wait until they fully resolved.

Example) if Olzekia, General of Decapitation is put into the battle zone with Savage Earth, you can destroy creatures with the trigger ability of Olzekia after Savage Earth resolves his effect and is put into your graveyard.

2. A trigger ability is resolved after applying each effect from continuous abilities. Creatures that have an static ability that occurs while they are in play have their effects applied first before all other trigger abilities regardless of the order they entered the battle zone.

Example) if you had an Quixotic Hero Swine Snout in the battle zone and summon Funk, Guard of Hope, the continuous ability of Funk resolved first, destroying the Quixotic Hero. While the ability of Quixotic Hero would be due to resolve next, as it is destroyed, the ability doesn't trigger.

3. If 2 trigger abilities were to trigger at the same time, they become pending triggers, and wait to resolve one at a time.

If you have more than 1 trigger ability occur at a time, you may resolve them in any order you prefer. (It doesn't have to be the same order you summoned or cast them.)

Example) When you cast Heaven's Gate and put Milzam, Spirit of Miracles ad Emeralda, Pitch Dragon Elemental into the battle zone, you may resolve the Shield Exchange from Emeralda or the Shield Plus by Milzam ability in any order.

4. When one of your opponents trigger abilities would occur at the same time, the result differs depending on whose turn it is. The active player (who's controlling the current turn) resolves the abilities of cards with a trigger ability first before the other player.

Example) If a Propeller Mutant battles against another copy of itself, both are destroyed. The active player triggers the ability of their Propeller Mutant first.

Example) If you summon Dark Sanji, Darkfang Ninja while your opponent has a Quixotic Hero Swine Snout in the battle zone, and destroy to destroy it with Sanji. Both of these creatures have a trigger ability. If you summoned it during your turn, the ability of reducing a creatures power by -2000 resolves first, destroying Quixotic as it is lowered to -1000 power. However, if it was summoned during your opponents turn (By Ninja Strike), the ability of Quixotic would resolve first, increasing its power from 1000 to 4000, before then being decreased by the 2000 from Sanji, and preventing its own destruction.

5. If a trigger ability triggers during the resolution of another trigger ability, it is treated as a trigger ability that was triggered at the same time (similar to rule 4). Also, if the trigger ability of the active player triggers during the inactive players resolution of a trigger ability, the trigger ability of the active player is resolved preferentially.

Example) Your opponent has a Magnum, Allshot Puppet in the battle zone. You have a copy of Jin, the Ogre Blade ~Young Leader~ in your hand as well as your mana zone. When you summon Jin into the battle zone, you put the second copy of Jin that was in your mana zone into the battle zone with its trigger ability. When that second copy is put into the battle zone, two trigger abilities occur; the Jin and Magnum.

In this case, the active player resolves their card first and the Come Into Play ability of Jin occurs before Magnum.

Example) You have Truekaiser Max Adrenaline in the battle zone and other creatures. Your opponent has 2 Baradios, Lord of Dragon Spirits in the battle zone. Truekaiser has not yet been tapped this turn, and you break the last of your opponents shields with one of your other creatures. At this time, the only abilities that trigger are the 2 copies of Baradios. After the first ability triggers which taps your Truekaiser, the ability of Truekaiser can now trigger. As you're the active player, it resolves first and all your dragons are untapped. Then, the second copy of Baladios will have its trigger ability resolve, again tapping each of your creatures.

6 適応予定だったトリガー能力が解決する前に適応対象のカードタイプが変更されたり、攻撃できない等の適応後もゲームに影響するトリガー能力が解決された後にカードタイプが変更されるたりすると、そのトリガー能力はすべてリセットされる。

Example) You have an Ira Fizz, Dragon Edge equipped with Proto Gigaheart, Invincible Sword in the battle zone and is evolving into Redzone, Roaring Invasion. At this time, if Mass Removal such as All Delete by your opponent was used, ウエポンの《Proto Gigaheart, Invincible Sword》、進化元の《Ira Fizz, Dragon Edge》、一番上の《Redzone, Roaring Invasion》がそれぞれ個別に山札送りの対象となる。《Redzone, Roaring Invasion》の移動に反応して、《Proto Gigaheart, Invincible Sword》の置換効果が発動し、龍解する。置換されたため、《Redzone, Roaring Invasionは除去を免れ、《Ohginga Zero, Strongest Dragon》もカードタイプ変更により同じく免れる。最終的に山札送りになるのは《Ira Fizz, Dragon Edge》のみである。

Example) Prin Prin, the Victoriousで固められたQ.E.D. Plus, Final Dragon Logicが龍回避したり、(Sword Saint Jigen, Awoken Dragon World) によって裏返されたりすると、攻撃できない等はすべて無効化される。状況によっては即龍解し直して攻撃に回れる。

7. 同じトリガー能力が並列している場合、Shield Trigger、およびS・バックの解決が何よりも優先される。同じShield Trigger等であれば、こちらもアクティブ・プレイヤーに優先権が存在する。逆に非アクティブ・プレイヤーのShield Trigger等と、アクティブ・プレイヤーのそれ以外のトリガー能力が並列した場合は、見かけ上非アクティブ・プレイヤーが優先される格好になる。

Example) "Mastermind" and Emeralda, Pitch Dragon Elemental, etc.


  • Although it involves fairly important rules, it is only briefly mentioned in the rule books and the Duel Masters Official Homepage in the Q/A section of some cards.
  • Common Trigger abilities include; Come Into Play ("When you put this creature into the battle zone"), Put Into Graveyard ("when this creature is destroyed") and Attack Trigger ("when[ever] this creature attacks"). As can be seen in the name, Shield Trigger ("when this card is put into your hand from your shield zone") is also a trigger ability. Creatures that have a trigger ability when they leave the battle zone (when this creature leaves the battle zone) were later introduced.
    • An Attack Trigger is shown as "when(ever) this creature attacks, ABILITY". It doesn't occur when the attack is completed, and is instead resolved immediately after declaring an attack.
  • A triggered ability is always triggered after the event. For this reason, an effect always resolves after the event that the trigger condition was completed. Ex: If you destroy Pharzi, the Oracle by the effect of Dark Soul Creation, the effect of Dark Soul Creation resolves, is put into the graveyard, and may then resolve the Put Into Graveyard trigger of Pharzi.

Interactions with other abilities

  • Power Attacker is not a trigger ability. It is a continuous ability on a creature that affects the creatures power for the duration of the attack.
  • 《鎧亜の咆哮キリュー・ジルヴェス》など、置換効果を生成するトリガー能力はあるが、置換効果自体はトリガー能力ではない。置換効果は解決の最中に割りこんで実行される効果であり、そもそも、効果と能力は別物である。単に「効果」といった場合は「能力による影響」を指す。
  • 《不滅の精霊パーフェクト・ギャラクシー》のような、「Aする時、かわりにBする」という能力は、一見トリガー能力に思えるが、 継続期間の表記が省略された常在型能力(置換効果)である。
    • 「Aする時、Bする」という能力は、Bを行うのがAした後であればトリガー能力である(《アクア・ハルカス》等)。だが、Aを実行する直前に作用し、別の結果をもたらすのであれば「 Bに割り込んでAする 」という置換効果(を生成する常在型能力)である。Magic: The Gatheringでは混同を避けるため、トリガー能力に「~するたび」を、置換効果に「~する際」を当てている。
  • 「~する(~してもよい)。そうした場合~する(~してもよい)」という、能動的にイベントを起こさせる表記は「コスト」という扱いになる。コストの場合、指定された行動が置換効果などによって結果的に行えなかった場合でも効果は実行する。 例)《邪魂創世》で《アクア・ソルジャー》を破壊しても《アクア・ソルジャー》は実際には破壊されないがドローはできる。
  • ただし、トリガー能力の場合は、指定されたイベントが実際に行われなければならない。 例)《アクア・ソルジャー》は破壊される時に置換効果で手札に戻る。よって、破壊されたという結果は残らず、《封魔妖スーパー・クズトレイン》(トリガー能力)ではドローできない。
  • 詳細は「コスト」のページを参照。なお、「~する」が「~してもよい」と、任意の場合も同様である。(《デッドリー・ラブ》など。)
  • 「Aした時、Bであれば、Cする。」という表記のトリガー能力もある。この際、Bは効果の一部として扱われる。したがって、AしたタイミングでBの条件が満たされずとも、解決時までに条件を満たせればCすることができるようになる。(例:《邪眼皇アレクサンドルIII世》、マナ武装全般、《予言者リク》etc...)
  • 一方、「DであるAした時、Cする。」という表記のトリガー能力の場合は、Dは誘発の条件として扱われる。したがって、AしたタイミングでそもそもDではなければトリガーすること自体がない。結果的にCすることもない。(例:《制御の翼 オリオティス》)
  • 誘発の条件の場合、Aした時にチェックし、解決時に確認することはない。 効果の一部の場合、解決時にチェックする。
  • The term is also refereed to as a "Triggered Ability" in the Magic: The Gathering trading card game.

Other Types of Abilities

  • Continuous Ability 常在型能力
  • Spell ability 呪文能力
  • Substitution effect 置換効果 (Replacement effect 置き換え効果)
    • Destruction replacement effect 破壊置換効果
    • Madness

See Also:
