The Shio Ramen
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Civilization: | Colorless |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Race: | Jokers |
English Text: |
Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.) |
Japanese Text: | |
Power: | 2000 |
Flavor Texts: | 素材の味を100%活かせる塩こそが至高っしょ。とまとんの爽やかな酸味、デデカブラの深い味わい、きのこあらの芳醇な旨味で取ったダシに僕の涙がポトリ落ちれば……最高の塩スープの完成っしょ。こんな最高の素材で作れるなんて、嬉し涙が落ちてしょっぱくなったらごめんっしょ。最高のスープに味玉をひたして食べれば、感動もひとしお~。"Salt that fully brings out the flavor of the ingredients is truly supreme, right? With the refreshing acidity of tomatoes, the deep flavor of Dedekabra, and the rich umami of Kinokoala, if my tears were to fall into the dashi made with such superb ingredients... it would result in the ultimate salt soup. To think that such an exquisite dish could be made from such high-quality ingredients, I apologize if my tears of joy make it a bit too salty. Adding a seasoned egg to the ultimate soup enhances the experience even further~." ―The Shio Ramen (DMRP-05) 2つの力を持つ超々便利なツインパクトカード! クリーチャーと呪文、どっちで使ってもインパクトありまくり、デュエマ史上初のスゴスギカードだ! "A super versatile Twinppact card with two powers! Whether used for creatures or spells, it packs a punch either way, making it the first insanely powerful card in Duel Masters history!" (SpDeck4) ラーメン仙人の特製ラーメンレシピ② ♥スープの仕込み 1.背骨と首骨は下ゆでしてからよく洗おう! 2.改めて鍋に背骨・首骨を入れたら、ラード・長ネギの青いところ・キャベツの芯・にんじん・しょうが・にんにくとチャーシュー用の豚バラを鍋に入れよう。 3.材料が浸るくらいの水を鍋に入れ中火でガンガン6時間くらい炊こう! 4.灰汁はこまめにとるのが美味いスープの秘訣だ! (DMEX-08) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | KOUSAKU |
Other Card Information:
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