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Duel Masters Wiki
This is a Vanilla card.
The Ramen
The ラーメン
Japanflag Japanese (kana): (The) メン (Men)
Japanflag Japanese (base): The ラー漢
Civilization: Colorless
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 2
Race: Jokers Jokers
Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: 一口目はまずスープから。麺から食べるヤツは金はいらねぇ、出て行ってくれ。うちはスープに命をかけてんだ。まずはスープ、そして麺、最後に具、順番を間違えるな。四の五の言わずに黙って食いな...言葉じゃねぇ! 味で語るぜ! それが、ワシ! The ラー漢! First, start with the soup. I don't need money from those who eat the noodles first, so get out of here. We put our lives into the soup. First, the soup, then the noodles, and finally the toppings. Don't get the order wrong. Eat without complaining about unnecessary details... It's not about words! I speak through taste! That's me! The Ramen! (DMRP-01)
味方を弾丸にして撃ち出す能力を持つ自由過ぎる切り札! それがジョラゴンだ! ゲラッチョ弾で連続攻撃したり、ハクション弾で敵を破壊したりと、キミの使い方次第で可能性は無限大!! "A free-spirited trump card with the ability to shoot allies like bullets! That's Joragon! Whether it's launching a series of attacks with Geracho Bullets or destroying enemies with Hakushon Bullets, the possibilities are endless depending on how you use it!!" (SpDeck4)
4.もやし・キャベツにカットした味玉・チャーシュー、そして刻んだニンニクとアブラをトッピングすればラーメン仙人のガッツリラーメンが完成だ! (DMEX-08)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: KOUSAKU
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