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The Grave of Angels and Demons
Civilizations: Light Light / Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 4
English Text:

​■ (This spell is put into your mana zone tapped.)

​​Shield Trigger Shield trigger

■ If there are 2 or more creatures that have the same name in the battle zone, destroy all of them.

Look at each player's mana zone. If there are 2 or more cards that have the same name, put all of them into their owner's graveyards.

Japanese Text:

​■ マナゾーンに置く時、このカードはタップして置く。

Shield Trigger S・トリガー

■ バトルゾーンに同じ名前のクリーチャーが2体以上あれば、それらをすべて破壊する。

■ すべてのマナゾーンを見て、同じ名前のカードが2枚以上あれば、それらをすべて持ち主の墓地に置く。

Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Masaki Hirooka
Other Card Information: