Taiga, the Warrior Savage
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Civilizations: | Fire / Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 2 |
Races: | Human / Beast Folk |
English Text: |
■ Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.) |
Japanese Text: |
■ スピードアタッカー(このクリーチャーは召喚酔いしない) |
Power: | 2000 |
Flavor Texts: | さぁ、闘いというジャングルへとくりだす時!! Now, when you pay out to the jungle, you fight!─Taiga, the Warrior Savage (DMD-01) 誰よりも早く戦場におもむき、誰よりも果敢に戦う。 It went to the battlefield before anyone else, fighting a good fight more than anyone else. (DMX-09) チーム切札の王はモモキング! キリフダッシュで飛び出せば、目にもとまらぬ二連撃を繰り出す新ヒーローだ!! "The ace of the team is Momoking! When he dashes out with Kirifudash, he unleashes a lightning-fast double attack, making him a new hero that's too fast to follow!!" (DMSD-14) スピードアタッカーで、2ターン目から革命チェンジを狙え! "Aim for a Revolution Change starting from the second turn with a Speed Attacker!" (SpDeck2) チーム切札はジョーカーズたちのチーム! だが、しかし、そのレインボーの力に導かれ、様々なクリーチャーが仲間入りした。The ace team belongs to the Jokers! However, guided by the power of the rainbow, various creatures have joined their ranks. (DMEX-09) オレ様のアタックのスピードはナンバーワン! おまえらついてこれるかな!? "My attack speed is number one! Can you keep up with me!?" —Taiga, the Warrior Savage (P78/Y12) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrators: | hippo YUSUKE TAKITA |
DMD-01 Start Dash Deck: Fire & Nature
2/13 — No Rarity DMX-09 Deck Builder Oni DX Go For It! Katta Edition 12/56 — No Rarity DMSD-14 King Master Start Deck: Joe's Kirifudash 7/15 — No Rarity Duema 40 Card Special Deck 2/13 — No Rarity DMEX-09 W-Team Docking Pack: Team Kirifuda & Team Wave 42/42 — Common Promotional P78/Y12 — No Rarity | |
Other Card Information:
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Taiga, the Warrior Savage