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Template:Hall of Fame

This is a Vanilla card.
Spiral Gate
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 2
Flavor Texts: "Come back when you can handle it." —Zaltan (DM-10)
そこだ! There! (DM-06)
こっちの水は辛いぜ。ママのミルクで我慢しな. The water here's harsh. Go back to your mama's milk. (DM-10)
逆境も跳ね返せ! Coming back from an adversity! (DMD-02)
渦巻く門が開く。時が巻き戻るが、戻って来ないものもある。The spiral gate opens. Even if time can be reversed, there are some things that cannot come back. (DMX-10)
時の流れは大体巻き戻せない。だから、巻き戻せる時は遠慮なく。The flow of time cannot be reversed most of the time. That is why we make the most out of it when it does. (DMD-24)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: Tomofumi Ogasawara
Eiji Kaneda
Other Card Information: