Special Card 特別なカード (Tokubetsuna Kādo) | |
Special card is a term for a type of card that requires special handling during the game.
A special card is a card of one of the following card types that have the following traits.
- Evolution Creature — Able to be put over another creature and attack immediately.
- Neo Creature — Able to be used as a standard creature or as an evolution creature and attack immediately.
- God — Able to link together with other Gods and share characteristics.
- Psychic Creature — Able to be played from the hyperspatial zone.
- Dragheart — Able to be played from the hyperspatial zone.
- Forbidden Impulse - Starts the game in your hand or battle zone.
- Twinpact — Able to be played as either a creature or a spell.
- Gacharange Creature — Able to be played from the super gacharange.
- Ceremony / Nebula — Starts the game in the battle zone, and is associated with Zeron.
- Star Evolution Creature — When the card would leave the battle zone, only the top card leaves.
- King Cell — Able to be combined to be a Creature or Spell card type.
- Star Max Evolution Creature — Don't require an evolution source. Can prevent you from losing the game.
- Hyper Mode — Creatures can use a Hyperify keyword to tap one of your other creatures and get additional power and abilities.
- Dream Rare — You are limited to one copy of a Dream Element in the battle zone with the same name.
From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)
- 800. General
- 800.1. There are cards that require special handling during the game. This includes Evolution Creatures, Neo Creatures, Gods, Psychic Creatures, Draghearts, etc.
From the Duel Masters - General Game Rules: Version 1.41 (April 12, 2024)
- 800. 総則
- 800.1. ゲーム中特別な処理を必要とするカードが存在します。それらのクリーチャーには進化クリーチャー、NEOクリーチャー、ゴッド、サイキック・クリーチャー、ドラグハートなどがあります。