Silver Scoop
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Japanese (kana): | シルバー・スコップ (Silver Scoop) |
Japanese (base): | 掘師の銀 |
Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Races: | Beast Folk / Hunter |
English Text: |
■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one of your creatures in the battle zone and put it into your mana zone. Then your opponent chooses one of their creatures in the battle zone and puts it into its owner's mana zone. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーをバトルゾーンに出した時、バトルゾーンにある自分のクリーチャーを1体選び、マナゾーンに置く。その後、相手はバトルゾーンにある自身のクリーチャーを1体選び、持ち主のマナゾーンに置く。 |
Power: | 3000 |
Flavor Texts: | オレごと落ちな!地獄落とし穴!! "Fall with me, to the trap pit of Hell!" ─Silver Scoop (DMD-03) ゾルゲを初めとした強力なアンノウンを次々と打倒し、パンドラ・スペースの崩壊を防いだハンター&エイリアン連合軍。だが、満身創痍の連合軍の前に最強のアンノウン、シャーロックが現れ、パンドラ・スペースを破壊した。The Hunter and Alienallied army who overthrew the powerful Unknowns, including Sorge, one by one, and prevented the collapse of Pandora Space. However, the strongest unknown, Sherlock, appeared before the allied army, and with a full blow, destroyed Pandora Space. (DMX-25) ゴリオ・ブゴリはキングマスターになったのち、誰にも負けることのない実力を身につけるため、一日に数えきれないほどの回数の正拳突きで己を鍛え続けた。そして気づけばいつしかその正拳は、実体を持った残像を生み出した。After he became King Master, Gorio Bugori continued to train himself with countless fist thrusts countless times a day in order to acquire a skill that no one could defeat. And before he knew it, his fists had created an afterimage with substance. (DMEX-13) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | YOICHI ITO |
Other Card Information:
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Silver Scoop