- Akyoora, Crossing Wings
- Alfreet, Judgment Gate Elemental
- Amber Grass
- Ancoba, Strange Stone / Butzbutz Rain
- Arashislash Sister
- Asra, Vizier of Safety / Glory Stone
- Ba Keen, Super-electric Engineer
- Babylenra, Strange Stone / Super Eternal Spark
- Bals, Halfgod Elemental
- Balza, Seeker of Hyperpearls
- Batias, the Patroller
- Case, the Oracle
- Cassis Pine / ❤︎ My Spark will make you Meromero
- Celeste, Explosive Enforcer
- Chengchi, Green Knowledge Silver
- Choucho, Ninja Butterfly Holy Chaos
- Closed, Destroyer of Secret Room
- Codename Dleshi
- Corteo, Spirit Knight
- Corteo, Spirit Knight / Protection Circle
- Cove Sidia / Lighthand Lightning
- Crossheim, Gold Elemental
- Dol Gorghini, Goldangel
- Draw, Kiramekushisho / Bystic Mars
- Duenurse, Three Extremes
- Elba, Strange Stone
- Estol, Vizier of Reversal
- Evinbee, Intercept Guardian
- Four Mitarasu Brothers, Dumpling Ball
- Garter, Emergency Ball
- Genshako-1, Apocalyptic
- Gordrancoin, Gospel Elemental
- Gotthart, the Spydroid
- Guten, Blue Defense Silver
- Heisan, Blue Defense Silver
- Holy Grace, Light Armored Dragon
- Holy, Flash Guardian
- Hyper Triserati
- Irohas, Extinguishing Elemental
- Isamercy
- Jamarillo-S8
- Kemuri, Smoke Screen Holy Chaos / Mechakushi no Jutsu, Holy Chaos Ninpo
- Kilt, Inga's Mixture
- Kolon, the Oracle
- Koltiolu, Scale Dragon Elemental
- Kyumanomee, Support Guardian
- Levoix, Blue Defense Silver
- Lu Laiba, Seeker of Windy Strikes
- Luckyda, Fortunate Enforcer
- Makkor, Impregnable White Knight
- Malbol, Strange Stone
- Marshall Prince
- Masaru, Disciplined Training
- Mateol, the Explorer
- Mauchu, One Extreme
- Meditas, New Year Ball
- Mememe, Vizier of Resonance
- Merlee, the Oracle / Master Spark
- Metalpluto, Spectral Knight
- Milk, Twin Demon Left Machine
- Misshitsu of the Cursed Devil
- Monroe Walk, Channeler of Suns
- Muji Gandar, Seeker of Thunder
- Muse Rubul, Spirit Knight
- Naito, Frontline's Momentum
- Night's Shine, Blue Defense Silver
- Noble Adele, Channeler of Suns
- Onsowaka J, Sages Elemental
- Orion, Strange Stone
- Padma Romasa, Spirit Knight
- Paparas & Mamaras, Parent Ball
- Pegasaremu, Blessed Bow Dragon Elemental
- Perfect Mariah, Channeler of Suns
- Petokina, Channeler of Suns
- Petrova, Channeler of Suns / Solar Commune
- Philippo, Thunder Knight
- Poltalester, the Spydroid
- Prismatic Vision
- Pure Arial
- Pure Gazelle Star
- Rau La Terra, Pale Light Guardian
- Re Cues, Seeker of First Aid
- Realitel, Illusionary Elemental / "This Memory Is Also Locked!"
- Riken, Sealing Holy Chaos
- Riku, the Oracle
- Ritoru, Circulation's Complement
- Rosia, Final Dragon Ruler
- Roswell, Rose Ball
- Rudolgo, Strange Stone
- Saint Kaiser, Soul Dragon Elemental / Libra Shield
- Sald, Protection Spirit
- Sapphi, Strange Stone
- Sarvarti, Thunder Spirit Knight
- Sasori, Scorpion Paper Holy Chaos
- Sava K Zeos
- Seventh, Light Divine Dragon / Violen Spark
- Shikake, Portrait's Illustration
- Shine, Blue Defense Silver
- Shiny, Dragon Armored / Edge Spark
- Shiromail, Invader
- Soprano Sabato / Melodious Melody
- Sun Armor, Vizier of Law
- Syphogate, Enlightenment Elemental
- Sysris, Thunder Wing Elemental
- The Shape that was Born as a Weapon
- Torigaburie, Advent Elemental
- Trishelby-P6
- Tulk SP
- Uisu, Dragon Armored's Investigation / Holy Spark
- Ulpheus, Dragonic Elemental / Heaven Impact
- Ultrasonic Star Paladin
- Umbrella Move! Ilipse and Blecchi
- Ur, Cleansing Elemental
- Urth, Purifying Elemental / Holy Spirit Spark
- Valen, Blue Defense Silver
- Vinogoat, Protection Spirit
- Wai the Order Cat
- Webkine, the Patroller
- Yuupin, Reliance of Colours
- Zett, Hiramekuseisen
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- ASAP Fryoris
- Akashic Bubble / "I'm drowning in these bubbles!"
- Anchor Captain
- Aqua Banner
- Aqua Burster
- Aqua Deeps
- Aqua Gyakutenpointer
- Aqua Hills
- Aqua Hulk
- Aqua Jolter
- Aqua Network
- Aqua Spellblue
- Aqua Surfer
- Aqua Survitake
- Atlantis, Deepsea Evangelist
- Balisuitoyo / Water Bottle Jutsu
- Bicorn Fish
- Blue Hawaii
- Blue Impulse / "Find the Truth, Johnny!"
- Box, Invader
- Bruce, Thrill or Live
- Cascade Guide
- Cassis Orange / ❤︎ Everyone who supports gives me Energy
- Cassis Soda / ♥ We will give everyone energy
- Chingidora, Power of the Sea
- Codename Sistais
- Commander Bubbleguy
- Commander Techmagerter
- Control Fire, Fire-Fighting Machine
- Cool Beauty
- Cutie Heart
- Cutie-2, Viral
- Cyber I Choice
- Cyber Iron Man Senjuo / Senju Tune
- Cyber L Grand
- Cyber P Goobie
- Cyber Turn A Rusty
- Dekabetta, Blue Heat Sword
- Dismaster / "You will be defeated by your own weakness!"
- Dorokio Gai, Climb
- Drone, Space
- Eieio
- Eine k'Reine, Elegant Blue Moon
- Escape Fiat, Shock Machine Equipment
- Everyone Gathered Together! Aqua Three Brothers / Hyperspatial JCA Hole
- Evidencebird
- Fantasy Fish
- Fantasy, Violent Blue Moon
- Fist Raygiyo
- Franz the 1st, the Ice Fang / Magic Shot - Open Brain
- Fuuma Belarita
- Fuuma Dantario
- Fuuma Gremory
- Gachanko, Minirobo No.2
- Giafan, Dragon Armored
- Guguppy, Future Overlord
- Gypsy Energy, Knowledge Special Equipment
- Hakov, Water Surface Protection / Stored Magic's Bound
- Hoihoizer, the Sudden Moonlight
- Hunter Cluster
- Idol Fish / ♪ A Big Sky, Moonsault, Little Bit Slanting
- Jelly, Dazzling Electro-Princess
- Jellyfi, Binding Poison
- Kakiru, Shell Beast
- King Orcadis
- Kujihouse, Southern Villa
- Luna Bluebird
- Luna Hedwig
- Luna Stadium
- Madame Perfu
- Madeku, Shell Beast / Clamdunk
- Maeterl, Supersonic Jetgirl / God Knows
- Magic Acogi Semipro / ♪ Quiet, Anyway Brain Cicada Minmin
- Matsukoke Lux
- Medaka, Cheeky Guard
- Mekapin
- Misty Nail
- Neonkus, Palace Missionary / Neo Brain
- Night Firefly
- Night's Kujihouse, Southern Villa
- Nomain, Palace Guard
- Odango, Voice Great Music Love / ♪ In front of my shout, Everyone Quiet
- Olive Oil, Karma's Burial
- Pagomeno
- Paint Frappe
- Pastel, Dancing Music Love / ♪ Mysterious Magical Prison Kinkirarin
- Photon Lunatron
- Preparade Uc, Dragment Symbol
- Purfin
- Ragnarok, the Clock
- Rigutsuyuna, Device Modification Machine
- Rolling Connection! Extreme and Network
- Royal Adonis
- Royal Cardinal
- Sadaie Honkadreamer / ♪ Old Pond, Once Again Spiral
- Saltinidom Crawler
- Sardine, Canned Captain
- Sb Litmus, Dragment Symbol
- Shiranessie
- Sir Leopol Deenay, the Ice Fang / Emergency Typhoon
- St Flask Beaker, Dragment Symbol
- Sudden Thunder Drocaja
- Surfer in the Sky
- Synchro Faerie / Dokidoki Spiral
- T Pururun
- Tamategame, Palace Ship / Brain Time
- Tarusupa, Dragon Armored
- Tempenche W, Reformed Speed
- Triclub Trishot, Blue Divine Dragon
- Trigaroid, Aqua Spy
- Tunahacker, Intelligence Agent
- Twister Fish
- Wocanna Pierr, Maid Doll
- Xenoshark, Crystal Record / Crystal Memory
- Yakkman, Eureka
- Zekkyosuraida
- Zorome, Mechanic
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- Absord, Dragon Armored
- Aoge, Eye Doctor
- Arch = Garchy
- Bachichi, Misfortune Demon 73
- Balloon Man
- Betrayal Dragoon
- Black Islay, Explosive Darkness
- Bone Arm, the Ambusher
- Bone Skull, Invader
- Borof, Final Dragon Ruler
- Bouma = Dhamma, Violent Abyss
- Bruce, Clearly Drive / "No hesitation. I have decided on what I must do."
- Charroll Doyle
- Cheshire Lupia
- Cobra, Snake Ninja Holy Chaos
- Codename Ihaka
- Comic = Corock
- Dark Kilmajiro
- Darkness Southern
- Dawn, Misfortune Demon 71
- Death Circle, the Explosive Shadow
- Death Hands, Misfortune Emperor
- Death Harp
- Delorin, the Hidden Surprise
- Denka, Misfortune Demon 92 / End of Century Hand
- Dent, Break Doctor
- Destro Worker
- Dish = Wish
- Disohgeno
- Do:Kota
- Dohati, Reflective Treasure
- Doorknocker = Nordocker / "...Do you want to open it?"
- Dorbro, Final Forbidden Gamma
- Dorbro, Final Forbidden Gamma / Bone Dance Charger
- Dorbro-1, Taboo
- Dragon Head Nebula Man / Zero Birthday
- Duglass, Darma
- Fernando Sesseur / Primal Scream
- Gachack 2, Mechanical Doll
- Gal Morgani
- Galek, Shadow of Reversal
- George Barbstein / Ghost Touch
- Gigabalza
- Gigabegain
- Grave Deal, Shadow of Pure Flame
- Gregorian Worm
- Haku★Yon
- Hamma = Dhamma
- Hidoorknocker = Nordocker, Soul Abyss
- Hols, Halfdemon Nightmaster
- Honedevil, Dark Armor
- Jenny, the Suicide Train
- Jinrou Drake
- Juju, Misfortune Demon 79
- Jukushite Inai Zombiebanana
- Kidoni, Mud Rampage Doctor
- Locomotiver
- Locomoxus-S8
- Mad Demon Excellency / Demon Hand
- Marquis Alexey, Demonic Eye Gunman
- Mikenyanko
- Mill = Milamiele
- Mukachakka
- Mystic Gastol
- Necrodragon Crankyveen
- Necrodragon Odol Needle
- Necrodragon Schwarzark
- Night Elder, Shadow of Decay
- Night's Ramp, Medical Device
- Olgate, Nightmare Samurai / 「Send Everyone to Hell!!」
- Onizou Ambush
- Otakebi Henge
- Oute, Misfortune Demon 81
- Poisonclaw Dragoon
- Psychic Eater, Gourmet Treasure
- Raidbokkas, Rebellion Demon Dragon
- Ramp, Medical Device
- Reino Usshi / "I've Slipped in Again~"
- Ribros, Penal Doctor
- Sabirabirin
- Sakonmaru, Oni of "Tsujigiri"
- Sazandi, Dark Armor
- School Man / Zombie Carnival
- Shake Deal, Shadow of Quakes
- Shakedown Dome Gels / Domestic Eye
- Silent Dragoon
- Skin, Dead Sticher
- Skull Beyan
- Spinclaw, Beast Mask Madman
- Suffocation Cloak, Shadow of Atrophy
- Suzu Kumada
- Sword Run! Alife vs. Maple
- Syriu Heaven
- Torch = Totorot, Evil Light
- Torikama Trigger
- Trombo, Fractured Doll / Devil Hand
- Truetrue, Illusionary Demon Dragon / Mantra Rock
- Tsuruhashi Doji
- Ubie, Shiatsui
- Utsusemi Doji
- Veigure, Gig
- Viochiron-C6
- Vogisha, Gig
- Weimodel, Gig
- Zabi Demona, Dead Sea Treasure
- Zach, Misfortune Demon 17 / Zakuzaku 17 Consecutive Hits
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- "Ogre", The One Who Dyed In Crimson / Crimson Victory
- Akashic Assault / "Assault! Don't do it!"
- Archer Churis / Volcanic Arrows
- Bakugetto, Totsugeki Tank
- Baribari Churis
- Batocross Battle, Passion Dragon
- Batocross Hammer, Passion Dragon
- Batocross-1, Passion
- Bilifen the Explosion
- Bisca X, Idol Faerie / "Burn, burn, bang!"
- Blazing Tiger, Crimson Lord
- Bolshack Ballista Dragon
- Bolshack Batocross
- Bolshack Hyper Arczeos
- Bolshack Loren Dragon
- Bolshack Manriki Dragon
- Bolshack Tail Dragon
- Bolshack Yamato Dragon / Yamato Decapitation Sword
- Bolzard Superhero / Super Emperor Time
- Brad's Cutter
- Cannonball, Ifrit Frit / ♪ Summer Grass, By Ifrit, Trace of Dream
- Cannoneer Bargon
- Carat Agecchi
- Claude, Special Investigation Agent
- Codename Tobal
- Croobi Churis
- Dacity Dragoon, Explosive Beast
- Dacity Dragoon, Explosive Beast / Game On! Charger
- Dobolzaurus
- Doctor Dr.
- Dokapunk, DoriDori Underground Car
- Dordobringer Dragoon
- Downtown's Napoletan
- Eagle Batocchi
- Eviscerating Warrior Lumez / Burst Oneshot
- Explosion Lizard
- Explosive Attack Hyakuton
- Express Dragoon
- Final Forbidden Redtron, D2V3 / Forbidden Hand
- Final Wars! Onimaru Boy / Hyperspatial Onishura Hole
- Flag Referee
- Flashing Dance! Tidal and Burn
- Funbalsan / Funba Fry Die
- Glenislay, Flame Dragon Ruler / "Help me! Malt!!"
- Goldoegg the Slotton
- Gorosaurus
- Gyagal-Marky
- Headhunter Dragoon
- Heart Meracchi
- Higesori
- Hiroto, Daisho Hero
- Hurlosaur
- IPPON Tsurikichi
- Iron Mermaiden
- Jajarn Kaiser
- Jubei, Shinkage Swordsman
- Judge Churis
- Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior
- Katsukaiser, Great Rage
- Kurayami Henge
- Magmaippitsu, Crimson Cast Dragon
- Magmajigoku, Dragon Armored Car / Hell's Scrapper
- Magmarex
- Mantov Churis
- Mega Blade Dragon
- Mega Scale Dragon
- Mega Thousand Dragon
- Megagoone Churis / Gogogo Go1 Knuckle
- Merry Ken Band
- Moel, Love Sniper
- Motteke Churis
- Muramasa's Socket
- Mushimushinonnon / Heat enough to burn to Ash
- Night's Judge Churis
- No Arguments! Onimaru Boy
- Olferno, the Explosive
- Oortsaurus
- Ostar, Trigger Suction
- Piara Heart
- Ponkichi, the Patched Pulverizer
- Prin, Gekiatsu Princess / Hunter Fire, Secret Hunter
- Priprison
- Quakesaurus
- Rayburn, Dragon Armored
- Savior Umashika
- Shakasharin, Oni of "Rinne"
- Shouma, Artillery Warrior
- Sicilia, Explosive G
- Sir Bernhard Ophon
- Sky Soldier Wingraios
- Speak's Socket
- Sturm, Scrapper
- Talbot, Sonic
- Third Generation Fan Kyuuroh
- Trig, Forbidden C
- Trigger Polka
- Tsuruman Shogun
- Tuesday, Kawaii Car
- Tyrannos, Violent Crimson Moon
- Uranic Giganto
- Usageass, Geek Tank
- Viercannon Wyvern
- Wind Axe, Reversal Warrior
- Zack Cannon Pichi
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- A:Moguchittsu
- Ajarashi, Invader
- Akane, Forest Green Moon
- Akashic Crash / "Smash It Down, Crash!"
- Alarm Radish / Naturatrue Trap
- Alpaca Hammer / Command of the Gang Leader
- Aojishi Spider
- Arashidrum Utan
- Aures, Spirit Knight
- Bainaradouwa
- Banjikyusu
- Baraghiara, Violent Heaven / Gaia's Awakening
- Bazion, Spirit Knight
- Beigoma Faerie
- Biggreen, the Invoked
- Bukkomi Hedgehog
- Bultratops, Leaf Wind Kind
- Burst Totem
- Cannon Shell
- Cauldron Shell
- Channel Totem
- Codename Prat
- Colliding Screw Horn
- Cottsuna
- Counterattack Skysword
- Cuckoo Clock Coco-Cala
- DJ Giant
- Dangerdeon, Super Mechanical Trap / Hell Utopia's Trap Revelation
- Diserika
- Donguri-1, Brave
- Duedyne D
- Durian, Violent Green Moon
- Eitores Shell
- Fabula Snail / Gorchop Trap
- Gaia Giant
- Ganbare! Ganbungee
- Goichigo Captain
- Good Luck Happy Manecky
- Habanero Giant
- Hanasaki Gelgranos
- Headspin Giant
- Highest Press
- Horbit / Kyoboria Wall
- Hotch KISS
- Idaten Kid
- Ikinokorinokinoko
- Jagaimomushi
- Javier Nature
- Kabra Katabra
- Karate Potato
- Kawamoriden / Leaf Storm Trap
- Kinokoala
- Kirino Giant / Break Break Hit Tsubeshi Now
- Kiseki! Shining Lord Mantis / Earth Wind and Bat
- Koubashi Poruchinidake
- Koyuki, Silver Faerie
- Large Gathering! Acorn Army
- Leledy Ba Gooba / Twinpact Map
- Lion Knuckle
- Miranda-2, Savage
- Momijaguar
- Momonga Jirou, Flying Ninja of the Forest
- Monaomio
- Morinooujadake Q
- Morning Joe, Furiously Energetic
- Mortal Giant
- Moskimoto
- Mr. Rakkoru, the Entranced
- Na Turalgo Danger / Natural Trap
- Natura Scorpion
- Night's Cottsuna
- Ochappi X, Idol Faerie / Choco Trap!
- Out-of-the-Blue Snail
- Ovidi Kuwakiri
- Oyasumibukuro
- Pentagon, Penguinkind
- Pingpong Faerie / Omega Drive
- Princess Cub, the Crusher
- Princess Cub, the Free Wanderer
- Reorange
- Ripple, Autumn Wind Faerie
- Roaring Grind Horn
- Royal Durian
- Rude Totem
- Rugalugogo, Dragon Armored
- Sakuraion
- Samba Totem
- Sanvuakka, Earth Attack
- Scarabaya
- Shaking Table! Zazam vs Fullswing
- Shell Alcazar
- Shirauo Giant
- Sickle Nature
- Smooth Spidon
- Spur Faerie
- Squirrel, Woodland Priest
- Sumonmonga
- Surprise Totem
- Torcon
- Trap Giant
- Tsumricargo La Denden the 3rd / Rolling Trap
- Wancopy, Dog Machine / 101 Copit Great Adventure
- Whip Scorpion
- Windsor Giant
- Wingeye Mac
- Xenoxemitsu
- Yawarashot Giant
- Yorosik Totem
- Zansoro, Earth Flash
- Zugian Totem
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- A:Menakaa / Turbo Journey
- Adrek Workman / Vice Scrapper
- Aegis Boost, Matchless Dragon Saint
- Alice, Hacqueen / Platina Hacking
- Amber Giant / Swing Be Ambitious
- Aqua Odottemita
- Aqua Skydiver
- Aqua Spellblue / Invincible Aura
- Argos, Gaia's Treeblaze
- Asche Nagareboshi
- Atakamaito Q, Blinding Speed
- Bambishikatto of Bronze / Behold my Strength!
- Bangetsu 卍 Ga Ryuzark 卍 / "I can see everything!"
- Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum / Ringfinity Violent Dark
- Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum / Ringfinity Violent Holy
- Barian, Strange Stone / Highrisk Pendulum
- Bell Hell De Skull, Moon Reaper
- Benzo, the Hidden Fury / Outburst of the Planetary Dragon
- Bikohan Goku, Climb
- Billibo Churis
- Bolshack NEX / Super Spark
- Border Melon, Watermelon Ball
- Brooks the Silver / Zababan Light
- Burnmare the Silver / Oraora Slash
- Chevalsling-B3 / En Gels Spark
- Chouhatsu Churis / Longest Way
- Datura, Shadow Faerie
- Dokeidaimos, Misfortune Demon 01 / Alex Gears
- Esmer, Celestial Faerie / How about a cup of tea?
- Forest Battleaxe
- Gekisha Basha Mecchi / "My Hotshot is Machinegunppi!"
- Glenglassaugh, Next Generation Dragon Ruler / "Leave this to me, big sister!"
- Grand Guignol, Dark Advisor
- Great-Armed Projuicer / Apple Juice Girls are Triple Girls
- Gri-La, Void Guardian / Light of Cruelty
- Gridakocha, Gig
- Hettle and Fettle
- Holyend, Destiny Dragon Armored / Now or Never
- Honey = Marganey / "This one is sweet."
- Hope, Judgment Bond's Rainbow / Keyboard Access
- Hundred Eyes, Secret Spirit Treasure
- Hyakume-4, Spirit Treasure
- Icaros-2, Gaia
- Ilfin the Silver / Meramera Chain
- India Karecchi
- Jack Alcadeias, Dark Gaia
- Jack Alcadeias, Holy Gaia
- Jackie, Infinity Dream / "Our Dreams Will Never End!"
- Jayra, Judgment Bond / Flame Jail
- Kanta, Lighting Guy / "Look! It's brighter now, right?"
- Karaben, the Hidden Scheme
- Kari, Ichigo Music Love / ♪ Goodbye, Maybe we'll meet again, Goodbye
- Kariyadone, Magic Library / Hermit Circle
- Kendo Giant / Cyber San Bai Dan
- Kernel, Blue Stagnation Dragon Elemental
- Kizamu, Forbidden V
- Levoix and Bravo, Soulmate
- Mage of Cursebreaker
- Magiteppen Mizzail Ninth / "Perfect! Perfect!!"
- Medicalar Cobalt Kaiser / Eyed Wise Shutter
- Melkomi Tamatama, Shadow of Restraint / Gushatto Fist
- Metcha-Mecha
- Mr. Aqua
- Necrodragon Amadeus / 「I'm also a Duelist!」
- Og Val, Dragon Armored / 「Quietness, Fill the World」
- Ojison, Inventor
- Parakin 8th, Stamp Summit / "Theres a monster..."
- Parlock / Stored Magic Spiral
- Parlock Junior / A New Departure
- Patfall-P4 / Silent Siren
- Pea Tanpan / 「Haichadame💢」
- Pepper, Defender of Hope
- Pepper, Oracle Guardian
- Peru Pere, Viral Guardian
- Piodoro, Dragon Armored Car / Toxic Juice
- Prin, Sparkling Princess / Hunter☆Alien Friendly Beam
- Prince Avaraldo, Cavalier of Thunder / Magic Shot - Arcadia Egg
- Princess Party ~Bond of Shiraha~
- Roskichou, Wooden Hammer
- Rymer Broco
- Rymer Cerber
- Sasoris 2nd, Summit Dragon Ruler / "Natural, Taiman!"
- Sasoris Jr., Savage Guardian
- Sharkuga, Ugly King / Dark Operation
- Shigurune, Dragon Armored No. 30 / Cool Tune
- Shishio Kaiser, Explosive Ruins
- Silent Kernel
- Silva, Guard of Destiny / "That Destiny, We Shall Follow"
- Spinach Panzer / Spinner Bull
- Summer Ojisummer / Moon Ojisummer
- Svernir, Wicked Horse / "My Beloved Horse!!"
- T Biuo
- Tagaini, Forbidden R
- Taneda Punktalker / ♪ Beat Up Those Even Weaker at Dusk
- Tenjoinsama / Floor Bullet
- Tenma Jao / Mometi Asachi
- Testa Rossa and Alice, Brave Brain / "Let's go Alice!" "I'm coming Testa!"
- Tobigeru, Forbidden C
- Tobu, Bat Style
- Ultimate Man
- Vyston, Earth's Death
- Yell, Cheering Faerie / Please support us together!
- Zetsubou, Dyed in Crimson
- Zugobu Gai, Climb / Bakedu, Daspell
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