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Secret Rare シークレットドレア | |
Secret Rare is a Rarity.
- See also: Secret SP Rare / Secret SP Gold Rare
It is a rarity introduced in God of Abyss.
It is the successor of 20th Rare.
It differs from 20th Rares in the following ways.
- Each card is a new card, like the Secret SP Rare. Card Numbers don't match Secret SP Rares.
- It doesn't have a '20th Anniversary Frame'. It now matches the Gold treasures.
- '20' isn't hidden in the card illustration.
Unlike Secret SP Rare, it isn't foil stamped. They may also have flavor text.
The inclusion rate is 1 per box. There are no Over Rares in this rarity, only in 'Secret SP Rare' or 'Secret SP Gold Rare'.
They are ordered by rarity and civilization, the same as the regular cards in the set.
List of Secret Rares[]
- 1A/20 Oilmane, Oil Lord Dragon Elemental
- 2A/20 Shakedown Domeciale
- 3A/20 Drache der`Zen
- 4A/20 Bauwauja, Abyssal Three Roar
- 5A/20 Bolshack Valkyrie
- 6A/20 Bolshack Force Dragon
- 7A/20 Orbimaker Par 100, Tenth Dragon
- 8A/20 Goukai! Grandslam Scorpion
- 9A/20 Torch = Totorot, Evil Light
- 10A/20 Sonkun, Blazing Fire Great Saint
- 11A/20 Perfect Curse Mind
- 12A/20 Aqua Network
- 13A/20 Just In You
- 14A/20 Bolshack Tail Dragon
- 15A/20 Astmaple-T3
- 16A/20 Abyss Diner
- 17A/20 Caddy Beetle
- 18A/20 Al Hakob, Transport Guardian
- 19A/20 "Darakuma", Spirit Spell
- 20A/20 Wedge, Frozen Faerie
DM22-RP2 Dragon Emperor of Booming Flame
- 1A/20 Readygo Karizomidarma
- 2A/20 Rubel Gorghini
- 3A/20 Eine k'Reine
- 4A/20 Ronin-Kaihawk
- 5A/20 Madan = Row, Abyssal Furnace
- 6A/20 Bolshack Balafiol
- 7A/20 Curling Faerie
- 8A/20 Kanran! Hole In One Hercules
- 9A/20 Bolshack Crysd
- 10A/20 Arumajiki Monjiro
- 11A/20 Perfect Solflare
- 12A/20 Chizentenna-R10
- 13A/20 Serviette = Erie
- 14A/20 Cocco Arm Lupia
- 15A/20 Saw = Zaw
- 16A/20 Kumitate Churis
- 17A/20 Idea Paradox
- 18A/20 Zevokart-M2
- 19A/20 Kobayashi Ziamarin
- 20A/20 Dish = Wish
DM23-RP1 Battle Tales of Twin Dragons
- 1A/20 Viride Gorghini
- 2A/20 Marshidoloop, Nova Princess
- 3A/20 der`Zen Mondo / ♪ With a Signature Move, Strongest are the Traces of a Dream
- 4A/20 Screwhigh → School
- 5A/20 Razel = Zubairal, Abyssal Spiral
- 6A/20 Norady:Do:Suruza
- 7A/20 Bolshack Arczeos
- 8A/20 Akane, Cheer Scarlet
- 9A/20 Kobo Magicalshocker
- 10A/20 Extreme Faerie
- 11A/20 Perfect Deathbloom
- 12A/20 Trishelby-P6
- 13A/20 Gu:Lunagusi
- 14A/20 Kooc Scram Blecchi
- 15A/20 Dramoon Rush
- 16A/20 Takuya, Destruction Soldier
- 17A/20 Faerie Fantasia
- 18A/20 Webipetel, Primachine
- 19A/20 Fine Shoot Piyocchi / "Raging Dragon is Immortal!"
- 20A/20 Asagi, Cheer Cobalt
DM23-RP2 Chaos of Wicked Ninjas
- 1A/20 Shikisokuzekku, Holy Chaos Great Ninja
- 2A/20 Magic Haiku Collector / ♪ Magison, Collect Up Fastly, Stream
- 3A/20 Kl'avia Tune
- 4A/20 Umbrella = Isabella, Abyss Attack Parasol
- 5A/20 Bolshack Galaward
- 6A/20 Balupialesk, Thunderflame Soaring Armor
- 7A/20 Ultrabowl Giant / Father Touchdown
- 8A/20 Eternal Green Par Life, Eighteenth Dragon
- 9A/20 Flavum Gorghini
- 10A/20 Telesco = Teles, Forethought
- 11A/20 Perfect Mysticroar
- 12A/20 Ganma, Ninja Chain Holy Chaos
- 13A/20 The Mute, Doomsday
- 14A/20 Ga:Nateha
- 15A/20 Shirley C, Holy Chaos Ninja / Shirley Charger
- 16A/20 Energico, Phoneme Symbol B Minor / ♪ From the Surface, To Catch the Sky Charger
- 17A/20 Bolshack Sky, Armored Wheel Double Flight
- 18A/20 Jenny, Beautiful Delivery Doll
- 19A/20 Achikochi Naru Pippi
- 20A/20 Fantasista Life
- 1A/20 Bolshack Arczeos NEX
- 2A/20 Lakepoacher Par Zero, Fifth Dragon
- 3A/20 Ater Gorghini
- 4A/20 Napoleon Vibes / ♪ Listen to my song, if you don't listen, we'll fight
- 5A/20 A:Enu:Makua
- 6A/20 Bojisowaka, Thousand Feather Ninja Change
- 7A/20 Bolshack Flare, Shining Revolution
- 8A/20 Galactica Golfantasista
- 9A/20 Chaosmantra, Fallen
- 10A/20 Perfect Oratoriocles
- 11A/20 Akane, Cheer Space
- 12A/20 Kurokami, Like Reading Music Love
- 13A/20 Cannonball, Ifrit Frit / ♪ Summer Grass, By Ifrit, Trace of Dream
- 14A/20 A:Gunte
- 15A/20 Sasori, Scorpion Paper Holy Chaos
- 16A/20 Bolshack Sign
- 17A/20 Mendosa, the Worker
- 18A/20 Bending Wheel! Nps vs. Brutula
- 19A/20 Let's Train Noruppi
- 20A/20 Torinodomino, Geima Mountain Falcon