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Roar of Destruction, Dragon Secret Formation
龍秘陣りゅうひじん 滅殺めっさつ咆哮ほうこう
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 6
English Text:

■ One of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone gets -1000 power for each of your Dragons in your mana zone until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is destroyed.)

Japanese Text:

■ このターン、自分のマナゾーンにあるドラゴン1体につき、バトルゾーンにある相手のクリーチャー1体のパワーは-1000される。(パワー0以下のクリーチャーは破壊される)

Flavor Text: ウルボロフは数々のドラグハートを使いこなすだけでなく、龍の力を引き出す秘陣すら完成させた。 Uroborof was not only able to use multiple Draghearts, but also completed the secret formation that utilized the power of Dragons. (DMR-15)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Yuichi Maekawa
Other Card Information: