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Japanflag 輪廻∞リンフィニティ (Rinfiniti)
Released: DMRP-08 The Showdown! Baraghiara!! Invincible OraOra Ringfinity ∞
Dmwiki.net: Article
Category for Ringfinity

Ringfinity is a Master Ability keyword in the Nature Civilization.


It is exclusive to the Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum Name Category and appears on all 5 unique Twinpact cards that feature it as the creature side from DMRP-08 The Showdown! Baraghiara!! Invincible OraOra Ringfinity ∞:

Reminder Text[]

The latest reminder text for Ringfinity reads:

Ringfinity: You may cast the spell side of this card in the battle zone (pay the cost). If you do, for each of your [Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum] in the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.


9 + 8 Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum / Tenjoutenge Ringfinity Dokuson
Nature Nature / Creature + Spell
Master Hazard + Gransect
■ When you summon this creature into the battle zone, untap all cards in your mana zone.
■ Ringfinity: You may cast the spell side of this card in the battle zone (pay the cost). If you do, for each of your [THIS CREATURE] in the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.
■ Triple breaker

■ Each of your creatures in the battle zone gets +8000 power and "world breaker" until the end of the turn.
■ During your opponent's next turn, whenever your opponent's creatures attack, they must attack your creatures if able.

Cards with the Ringfinity ability[]


  • Q: When I cast a spell with "Ringfinity", will the card go to the graveyard after the spell is cast?
    • A: No, like Smash Burst, you can use cast the spell side while the card is in the battle zone.
  • Q: When casting "Ringfinity", can I put the top card of my deck into the mana zone?
    • A: Yes. Put a card into your mana zone for each of your "Baraghiara, Heavenly Earth Momentum" in the battle zone.