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This is a Vanilla card.
Riku, the Oracle
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Race: Light Bringer
Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: 戦闘の世にも、時に癒しとなる存在が必要だった。 Even in a world obsessed with battle, there`s a need for a healing touch. (DM-28/DMC-61)
追い詰められてる時こそが革命を起こすチャンス。When you're trapped, that's when you have a chance to make a Revolution. (DMSP-01)
月光王国のクリーチャーたちはキングマスターの詩集にあるように、戦いの中で格好よく死ぬと異世界に転生して幸せになれると信じている。だからこそ、死を恐れずに戦い続けられるのだ。The creatures of Gekko Kingdom believe that if they die in style in battle, they will be reincarnated in another world and be happy, as described in the King Master's book of poetry. That is why they can continue to fight without fear of death. (DMEX-13)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Mar
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