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ブロックマークは「Rev」 (=Revolution)。
ちなみに次の革命ファイナルを最後に切札 勝太が主人公ではなくなった為、勝太が主人公のエキスパンションで唯一「〜編」と呼ばれるシリーズになった。[1]
DMR-17 「革命編 第1章 燃えろドギラゴン!!」
DMR-18 「革命編 第2章 時よ止まれミラダンテ!!」
DMR-19 「革命編 第3章 禁断のドキンダムX」
DMR-20 「革命編 第4章 正体判明のギュウジン丸!!」
また、それに合わせてかS・トリガー、特にS・トリガー獣も全体的にスペックが上昇している。具体例としては、既存の強力呪文をクリーチャー化した《凶殺皇 デス・ハンズ》や《閃光の守護者ホーリー》、安定したスペックを持つ《団子の玉 ミタラス四兄弟》等が挙げられる。一方で《侵略者 シロメール》等、従来通りのスペックのものも散見されるが、そちらはほとんどがコマンド種族を持ち、ささやかではあるがやはり強化されている。
収録枚数が増えた分再録カードも毎弾収録された。お馴染みのカードである《フェアリー・ライフ》やチャージャー呪文から、《音感の精霊龍 エメラルーダ》といった当時シングル価格が高騰していたカードまでも再録され、多くのユーザーを驚かせた。
それに合わせ、サブキャラクターメインとドラゴン・サーガで主人公の切り札が非常に多かった反動からか、主人公の切り札の追加はかなり少なく(メインで押し出されたのは《燃える革命 ドギラゴン》と《ボルシャック・ドギラゴン》のみ)アニメのデュエル数も例年に比べ少ない。
カード性能の引き上げと封入率の改善に加え、様々なジョークカードや人気作品とのコラボレーションで多くの話題を呼んだDMX-22 「超ブラック・ボックス・パック」、過去のシリーズのキャラクターをフィーチャーしたマスターズ・クロニクル・デッキの販売なども人気を呼んだ。玩具市場では「妖怪ウォッチ」ブームが収束し、その分の子供層がこちらに流れ込み、さらに「遊戯王」シリーズ以外の他社TCGが全体的に低迷していたことも追い風となり、国内出荷数は前年対比で約4割増加するなど爆発的に売り上げを伸ばした。文字通りデュエル・マスターズに革命をもたらしたシリーズ弾である。
*It places focus on 2 new main warring races, [[Invader]] and [[Revolutionary]].
*It places focus on 2 new main warring races, [[Invader]] and [[Revolutionary]].
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===Pre-DMR Stage===
===Pre-DMR-17 Stage===
With the release of [[DMD-21]], [[DMD-22]] and [[DMD-23]], the Revolution meta began.
With the release of [[DMD-21]], [[DMD-22]] and [[DMD-23]], the Revolution meta began.

Revision as of 13:52, 5 May 2020

Revolution is also the name of a keyword.
When the seal is broken, Forbidden's power will be unleashed...
— the flavor text of Forbidden
Japanflag 革命かくめいへん (Revolution)
DM Creature World Map H
Next: Revolution Final RevF
Previous: Dragon Saga DS
Dmwiki.net: Article (block)
Article (metagame)

Revolution is the 14th block of card sets in the Duel Masters trading card game.


Revolution sets are named "[ADJECTIVE] [NAME OF TRUMP CARD]".

Unlike in Episode 2 or Dragon Saga, the trump cards are used by various characters in the anime instead of only cards used by Katta.

List of Sets

It is composed of sets released between April 25, 2015, and March 19, 2016.

DMR Sets

DMX Sets

DMD Sets

Masters Chronicle Sets

It also features promotional cards from Year 14 as well as SpDeck1.


After the defeat of All Over The World, Supreme True Dragon Soul, the world was peaceful and the story transfers to another continent. This continent was a peaceful continent ruled by the kings of the Light, Darkness and Fire civilization, until a day when creatures are given mysterious marks and Invaded the continent. Those who were not given the mark of the invader were given the mark of the Revolutionary and they fought against the invaders. With overwhelmingly powerful Invaders and New-type Invaders, the world-destroying forbidden and the masterminds of all teaming up to assault on the once-peaceful continent, the worst and longest war of Duel Masters history unfolds...



デュエル・マスターズ14番目のシリーズ。 「革命」または「革命編」と表記されるが特殊な読みはせず、そのまま「かくめい」または「かくめいへん」である。 ブロックマークは「Rev」 (=Revolution)。

正式名称は「革命」だが、同時期に登場した新能力と名前が被る上、公式でも「革命編」と便宜的に表記される場面が多いため、当wikiでは「革命編」と命名する。 ちなみに次の革命ファイナルを最後に切札 勝太が主人公ではなくなった為、勝太が主人公のエキスパンションで唯一「〜編」と呼ばれるシリーズになった。[1] 謎の種族侵略者と、それに立ち向かう革命軍による対立を描いている。


新能力の革命と侵略が登場。進化クリーチャーも大量に登場しビートダウンの可能性を追求した DMR-17 「革命編 第1章 燃えろドギラゴン!!」 禁断・正体不明という謎のカードが登場。更にDM歴史上初のプレミアム殿堂解除カードが再録された DMR-18 「革命編 第2章 時よ止まれミラダンテ!!」 新たなカードタイプ禁断の鼓動・禁断クリーチャーがヴェールを脱いだ DMR-19 「革命編 第3章 禁断のドキンダムX」 多色カードが通常エキスパンションに2年ぶりに登場。正体不明の正体がついに明らかとなった DMR-20 「革命編 第4章 正体判明のギュウジン丸!!」 2009年度の神化編のように、今シリーズでは進化クリーチャーが強くプッシュされている。ドラゴン・サーガ終盤から文明指定の進化クリーチャーが登場し、スペックも従来の進化クリーチャーに比べてかなり強化されたが、インフレが本格化したのはこの革命編からである。革命編で登場する全ての進化クリーチャーの進化条件は文明指定であり、進化クリーチャーの人気を大きく押し上げた。文明進化以外にも、自身の文明を強化するカードやマナ武装持ちのクリーチャーなども多数収録されており、ドラゴン・サーガにひき続き単色デッキを推進する傾向が見られる。 おそらくは新規プレイヤーにも気軽に遊べるようにするための配慮だろう。


また、それに合わせてかS・トリガー、特にS・トリガー獣も全体的にスペックが上昇している。具体例としては、既存の強力呪文をクリーチャー化した《凶殺皇 デス・ハンズ》や《閃光の守護者ホーリー》、安定したスペックを持つ《団子の玉 ミタラス四兄弟》等が挙げられる。一方で《侵略者 シロメール》等、従来通りのスペックのものも散見されるが、そちらはほとんどがコマンド種族を持ち、ささやかではあるがやはり強化されている。



今シリーズでフィーチャーされた種族は以下の通り。これらの大半は革命軍か侵略者のどちらかに属し、またその多くがコマンドを有している。 革命軍 侵略者 S級侵略者 ジャスティス・オーブ エンジェル・コマンド・ドラゴン ジャスティス・ウイング エンジェル・コマンド サイバー・ウイルス海 クリスタル・コマンド・ドラゴン リキッド・ピープル閃 グレートメカオー マジック・コマンド ??? ジ・アンサー ダーク・ナイトメア デーモン・コマンド・ドラゴン ファンキー・ナイトメア デーモン・コマンド ファイアー・バード炎 メガ・コマンド・ドラゴン ヒューマノイド爆 イニシャルズ ソニック・コマンド スノーフェアリー風 ジュラシック・コマンド・ドラゴン ビーストフォーク號 ミステリー・トーテム ゲリラ・コマンド ドラゴン・サーガで最も低迷した売上を盛り返すのが至上命題だったため、資産ゲーを象徴するドラグハート類を使わずとも革命編のカードだけで十分に戦えるように設計されている。【赤単レッドゾーン】を始めとする侵略デッキはその代表例であり、環境のさらなる高速化を招いたが、新規層の参入にも大きく貢献することとなった。 ドラゴン・サーガで登場した種族も一部を除いて引き続きプッシュされている。その他アースイーター、ガーディアン、ゴースト、ダークロード、バルーン・マッシュルームといった懐かしの種族が復活する一方で、アウトレイジもエピソード3以来の再登場を果たした。また、デュエル・マスターズ史上初の種族を持たない(無種族)クリーチャーも登場している。 このエキスパンションから各弾における収録カード枚数が大幅に変更され、1弾が120種類、2弾以降が60種類程度であったものが、1弾は106種類とやや少ない代わりに2弾以降の収録枚数が増えている。これは下記にある封入率の変更の影響だと思われる。トッキュー8のランダム性はより増したといえる。 収録枚数が増えた分再録カードも毎弾収録された。お馴染みのカードである《フェアリー・ライフ》やチャージャー呪文から、《音感の精霊龍 エメラルーダ》といった当時シングル価格が高騰していたカードまでも再録され、多くのユーザーを驚かせた。 《エメラルーダ》の再録は革命限定環境を大きく変えることになり、多くのプレイヤーを混乱させた。いくつかのカードは再録にあたって新規イラストが用意されており、喜ぶプレイヤーも少なくなかった。例えば通常エキスパンション内で再録された《エナジー・ライト》は、それまではプロモを除くとイラストは1種類しか存在していなかった。 コスト軽減のテキストや、ブロッカーのテキストなどの書式が変更され、より分かりやすくなっている。cipはプレイヤーが主語となる文から、発生源のクリーチャーが主語となる文に変更された。 シリーズ名にふさわしく、この時期に商品展開やイベント体系に「革命」と称した変更が施された。 ビクトリーはレジェンドカードに改められ、ブースターパックにおけるレア以上のレアリティを持つカードの封入率が大幅に上昇した。 デュエルロードはデュエ祭に改められ、公認グランプリを新たな枠組みとして設置。総合ルールを整備し、チャンピオンシップサポートの強化等を実施。世界に1桁しか存在しない優勝者賞が登場したのもこの時期である。 ゲーム的な面では、10年以上続くデュエル・マスターズの歴史上初となるプレミアム殿堂に選ばれたカードの殿堂入りへの緩和が行われた。これを契機にその他殿堂解除も大幅に実施されている。 今までのシリーズでも主人公以外の切り札がパックのパッケージになる事はあったが、DMR-17以外は全て勝太以外のキャラクターの切り札のクリーチャーというシリーズ内でも異例なことである。 それに合わせ、サブキャラクターメインとドラゴン・サーガで主人公の切り札が非常に多かった反動からか、主人公の切り札の追加はかなり少なく(メインで押し出されたのは《燃える革命 ドギラゴン》と《ボルシャック・ドギラゴン》のみ)アニメのデュエル数も例年に比べ少ない。 カード性能の引き上げと封入率の改善に加え、様々なジョークカードや人気作品とのコラボレーションで多くの話題を呼んだDMX-22 「超ブラック・ボックス・パック」、過去のシリーズのキャラクターをフィーチャーしたマスターズ・クロニクル・デッキの販売なども人気を呼んだ。玩具市場では「妖怪ウォッチ」ブームが収束し、その分の子供層がこちらに流れ込み、さらに「遊戯王」シリーズ以外の他社TCGが全体的に低迷していたことも追い風となり、国内出荷数は前年対比で約4割増加するなど爆発的に売り上げを伸ばした。文字通りデュエル・マスターズに革命をもたらしたシリーズ弾である。 このV字回復は、日経BP社のトレンドウォッチポータルサイト『日経トレンディネット』の2017年4月7日配信にて、記事として取り上げられた。 余談だが「進化」を表す英単語は“evolution”、「革命」は“revolution”である。神化編以来の進化クリーチャー再プッシュという意味合いで命名された側面もあるのかもしれない。

The Revolutionary side is allied with a Command Dragon race as well as other races.

Civilization: Command Dragon: Allied Race:
Light Light Angel Command Dragon Justice Orb
Water Water Crystal Command Dragon Cyber Virus Kai
Darkness Darkness Demon Command Dragon Dark Knightmare
Fire Fire Mega Command Dragon Fire Bird En
Nature Nature Jurassic Command Dragon Snow Faerie Kaze

The Initials side is allied with a Command race as well as other races.

Civilization: Command: Allied Race:
Light Light Angel Command Justice Wing
Water Water Magic Command Liquid People Sen / Great Mecha King
Darkness Darkness Demon Command Funky Knightmare
Fire Fire Sonic Command Human Baku
Nature Nature Guerrilla Command Beast Folk Go / Mystery Totem
  • Power creep continues as cards such as Hell's Scrapper and Terror Pit have Shield Trigger creature versions such as Sturm, Scrapper and Death Hands, Misfortune Emperor which can join the attack and powerful invader evolution creatures can be put into the battle zone quicker than ever. Additionally, A very powerful card has caused most 3 to 5 civilization decks to die out.
  • A new rarity, Legend Card appears, which is a card of the highest rarity, but 2 will always appear in a box. As there are usually only 2 Legend Cards in most sets, this means that they are guaranteed gets when opening a box of booster backs, allowing new players to participate in games easier.
    • Aside of this, the packaging rate of Super Rares has been increased to 3 per box, and the packaging rate of Very Rares has increased to 6 per box.
  • The block introduces a new Forbidden card type that can begin the game in your hand or battle zone, Forbidden Impulse which require seals to be removed to flip over to their Forbidden Creature side.
    • A seal is a card that is put from the top of your deck onto another creature face-down. While a seal is on a creature, both players ignore any abilities it may have, and it can't attack or block. To remove a seal from your creatures, you must play a Command creature that has the same civilization as the creature with seals on it. There are a few other cards such as Liberation of the End or card removal that can also act as seal removal.
  • These forbidden cards also feature a new form of text on Secret Rare cards known as Forbidden Characters. This is a cipher language which can be translated into English text.


Pre-DMR-17 Stage

With the release of DMD-21, DMD-22 and DMD-23, the Revolution meta began.

Previous Dragon Saga meta decks such as MaltNEXT, Imen Loop and Mono-Light Heaven's Gate persisted in the environment. DMD-22's DarthRayne, Dream Knight led to the creation of a new decktype - DarthRayne beatdown.

With the new Hall of Fame update, Deis Magician, Ranger of Gaia, Upheaval, Eureka Program and Violent Dragon Alarm were restricted. As such, Imen Loop, Heaven's Gate and Mono-Darkness Hellborof decks were somewhat weakened, but they still remained in the environment.

DMR-17 Stage

Two new effects appeared, Invasion and Revolution. Because Revolution is an effect reliant on the number of shields, it hasn't appeared as much in the meta due to its difficulty of being triggered. On the other hand, Invasion has been really easy to use. Out of them all, Redzone, Roaring Invasion was the strongest due to its synergy in hyperspatial decks with Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious. As such, even Light/Water/Darkness hyperspatial control decks began adapting Redzone. But in the end, it mostly worked at best in Mono-Fire rush along with Gatling, Sonic, aiming for a 3 turn kill.

Besides the Invasion and Revolution cards, a new mana restraining creature appeared - Mega Manalock Dragon. It was immediately adapted alongside Faerie Gift into MaltNEXT as a way to counter multi-civilization decks.

Creature versions of popular shield triggers such as Terror Pit and Hell's Scrapper appeared in the form of Death Hands, Misfortune Emperor and Sturm, Scrapper. Having the same effects but being creatures, these cards proved as being massively flexible and were adapted to a wide variety of decks.

For players who enjoy luck-based games, Gachanko Gachirobo came off as an interesting card to use, enabling the use of nostalgic cards such as Magmadragon Jagalzor and Legionnaire Lizard.

Meanwhile, at the recent Duel Masters Grand Prix, the winner was Imen Loop, followed by a Heaven's Gate Loop deck adapting Alephtina, Spiritual Princess.

With the release of DMD-24, DMD-25 and DMD-26, Bolmeteus Control, Romanov Sign and Survivor decks were reinforced, but out of them all only Romanov Sign proved as being meta worthy due to the strength of Eternal Sign in combination with competitive creatures.

DMR-18 Stage

Even though new effects did not appear, Revolution and Invasion cards got strengthened. Bearfugan, Super Beast Army enforced Mono-Nature rush to the point where it could do a three turn kill similar to Gatling and Redzone decks. To support Nature evolution decks, Evolution Blueprint got reprinted. The other civilizations' Invaders did not become less important, as Water got Master G, Super Eureka which has resistance to removal, Fire got Mach 55, Supersonic which can't be destroyed at all upon the opponent having 2 or less shields which makes it harder to defend against and Darkness got Galloween, Super Revenge which granted both removal and graveyard recovery in response to the opponent's removal.

On the other hand, a new Legendary card appeared - Death the Lost, Demon Revolution. While Darkness did get more shield reducing cards, this card did not do well outside of Revolution formats where it joined Killer the Kill, Revolution Demon King as a secondary finisher. Vader, Dark Armor also provided both graveyard supply and hand replenishment, proving as a versatile card for Darkness decks.

To keep up with the strength of Death Hands and Sturm, Scrapper, Light decks were enforced with Holy, Flash Guardian while Water decks got Last, Aqua Patrol which was reminiscent of the now-banned Aqua Patrol.

In a way, due to Invaders, rush and beatdown decks had become stronger than ever. As such, Bolmeteus Sapphire Dragon was taken out of the Premium Hall of Fame, as it was deemed balanced enough for one copy in the current meta.

But since mono civilization decks persisted in the environment, Mega Manalock Dragon's price began to drop.

With the release of DMX-21 there weren't much new metagame additions as it basically only reinforces fun decks, but it does introduce Unidentified Objective which reinforced Heaven's Gate Loops, No Data which reinforced Imen Loops, and Poppo Juvira, Winged God-destroyer which reinforced Universe extra win, although Poppo Juvira's success is limited due to color screw problems.

With the release of DMD-27, a new incarnation of Redzone with a shield burn capacity appeared - Redzone Z, Passionate Invasion. With the addition of a new cheap speed attacker Sonic Command - The Zet, Lightning Sonic, Redzone had been reinforced and it became competitive enough to make an impact on the meta scene. Due to cost trampling cards such as Heaven's Gate, Hogan Blaster/Mystery Cube, Ninja Strike and shield trigger creatures breaking this deck's progression, Magnum, Shortshot was released to help it get around those hindrances.

DMR-19 Stage

The release of DMR-19 saw the appearance of a new card type - Forbidden Impulse, as well as a new update to the Hall of Fame with Forbidden ~The Sealed X~/Dokindam X, The Legendary Forbidden being restricted from the start as to not have players deck out. While the new Seal technique was appreciated, players were quick to criticize the new card due to its strong game loss demerit.

However, as soon as the set was released, tournaments were immediately won by Dokindam X, usually those being Redzone or MaltNEXT due to its Fire Command support. Thus it has lived up to its Forbidden Legend Card status. Out of these, it especially had synergy with Redzone, since it is a rush deck that spams Commands and thus one could swarm a removal control like Mono-Darkness Hellborof so that dangerous shield triggers would be gone by the time Dokindam X was liberated, or wait for a one-shot kill against Heaven's Gate decks. As such, the initial negative reaction was changed as the card got reevaluated.

Additionally, a new type of Invaders appeared - S-Rank Invaders. Out of these, Adamski, S-Rank Space found use in Heaven's Gate Loop due to its deckout abilities, Deadzone, S-Rank Zombie found use in Mono-Darkness Hellborof and Hyperspatial control due to its strong removal effect and insane synergy with Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious, while Sanmadd, S-Rank Tribe had synergy with Glenmalt, Dragon Edge and created the Sanmadd Malt decktype.

On the side of the Revolutionaries, a new Revolution 0 Trigger appeared: Bolshack Dogiragon which was used as a defense against beatdown, one that was viewed as better than Iron Fist of Revolution in terms of stability. As such ironically, it was adapted in Redzone to defend it from counter rushes and help remove the seals of Dokindam X, thus showing a good compatibility between the Revolutionary and Invader races. The rest are not suitable in a beatdown environment and will be defeated or rendered ineffective before they can trigger revolution. Although Kaiserbarra, War Dragon Elemental proved itself to be surprisingly strong in Mono-Light Heaven's Gate as it could spam Heaven's Rosia, True Dragon Edge and sometimes even Saint Rose, Dragon Edge with ease and help bring out powerful draghearts. Gyogyou, Revolutionkind also proved itself as a strong card due to its creature spam abilities that helped ensure a pseudo lockdown in decks such as Mono-Nature Sasoris.

At the start of 2016, the most shocking set ever in Duel Masters history, DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack appeared which shocked many players. While due to the joke content most of the set's useful cards were reprints, Nicol Bolas did find great use in MaltNEXT due to its super-stunning discard capabilities and its 8 cost allows it to be spammed by Jackpot Entry, Dragon Secret Formation. Others include Oriotis Judge, which served as a solid counter to Dokindam X, The Legendary Forbidden, Alphadios, Lord of Spirits and other high-costed creatures. Zakira, Ultimate Lifeform might also see some use due to its discard resistance and reusable fixed removal.

After the 1st of February 2016, Judgement of the Flame's Spear and the Water's Blade, Deep Operation, Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian, Pacific Champion, Rolan, the Oracle, Heavy, Dragon God and Aqua Hulcus were unlimited. Dark Hydra, Evil Planet Lord had also been taken out of the Premium Hall of Fame to a restriction like Bolmeteus Sapphire Dragon beforehand. Out of these, Judgment of the Flame's Spear and the Water's Blade could have a small impact on the environment by ridding the opponent of smaller creatures from both beatdown and control decks, while Mist Rias and Dark Hydra could find compatibility in new control or loop decks.

In addition to this, on the 28th of February 2016 Transmogrify and Deis Magician, Ranger of Gaia had been banned while Galamuta, Matchless Fear Lord, Milzam, Spirit of Miracles and Welcome Hell, Supreme Devil King Palace have been restricted. As such, top meta decks such as Imen Loop, Heaven's Gate Loop and Mono-Darkness Hellborof got weakened. In the last day before the Hall of Fame update, the tournament winner was a Heaven's Gate Loop, followed by a Water Darkness Nature Deadzone control.

DMR-20 Stage

For the following months, Redzone and Hyperspatial Deadzone remained at top.

The release of DMR-20 brought Miracle Miradante, which found use in Mono-Light Heaven's Gate and Mono-Light rush as a powerful Invasion and Kaiser "Blade Demon" counter. With Milzam restricted, Heaven's Gate strategies began moving away from Loop to its usual blocker spam. Redzone decks also got Redzone X, Forbidden Lightning Sonic, the first multicolored Invader, as a reinforcement which had lower power than past Redzones, but it came with a seal based removal, and could attack infinitely like Adamski, S-Rank Space. On the other hand, Captain Dracken appeared as support for Fire Bird decks, proving good synergy with Borkov Shion and Genji Aini, thus making old cards become useful again. The flagship card, Gyuujinmaru, Legendary Identity did not fare well due to its unnaturally slow speed and reliance on the luck-based It's Showtime, as well as Mono-Water Control not being competitive enough. As such, it, Death the Lost, Demon Revolution and G.O.D., Extreme Invasion were the least used Legend Cards.

A new series of powerful Shield Triggers such as The End of X and Trap Giant appeared. With The End of X being an extremely high form of seal-based removal, it meant that VAN Beethoven, Zenith of "Shura" alone could no longer stop Redzone Invasions. Imen Loops were also brought back to life by Sanmadd, S-Rank Tribe and Raija, Aqua Ninja. Mono-Nature Sasoris also saw a return, now in a control form with Gyogyou, Revolutionkind and Silver Scoop comboing to lock down the opponent. Even with Welcome Hell restricted, Mono-Darkness Hellborof adapted Go To Hell, Annihilator Blade and changed its form a bit, still going strong in the competitive game.

At the end of the stage, Mono-Nature Sasoris rose onto the top of the metagame.

Competitive Decks

Important Cards

New cards:

Old cards:


Regular sets

Masters Chronicle sets


  • Unlike in Dragon Saga where most of the Dragons are bipedal, in Revolution most Dragons are quadrupedal, although there are exceptions.
  • Unlike most blocks where the protagonists use offense strategies and the antagonists use control strategies, in Revolution the protagonists (Revolutionaries) use control strategies while the antagonists (Invaders) use offense strategies.
  • This block resembles Fighting Spirit Saga, in which there is a mastermind that is of the Water Civilization and a sealed existence that threatens the end of the world upon unsealing. Both also end with total chaos in the worlds they took place.
  • This is the second block where all main protagonists end up defeated, and is also the first one where the protagonists were defeated by a direct assault by an antagonist. The first is Episode 1, which had the main protagonists defeated by a surprise attack.
    • Aside of this, it is also the first instance where all factions, regardless of protagonist or antagonist, were defeated by an out of control antagonistic faction.