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Reverse Slayer
(Gyaku Sureiyā)

Reverse Slayer is a slang term given to creatures that destroy themselves win a battle.


It is the opposite of the Slayer keyword (When this creature loses a battle, destroy the other creature.).

「このクリーチャーがバトルする時、バトルの後、このクリーチャーを破壊する。」というデメリット能力を指す通称。パワーに関係なくクリーチャーを破壊するということで、スレイヤーの対義語として使われる。また、「自壊能力」ともいう。 闘魂編以前は「このクリーチャーはバトルに勝っても、バトルの後、持ち主の墓地に置かれる。」という表記だった。 ただし、聖拳編以降も数は少ないが、《ブラッディ・シンバル》《魔光騎聖ブラッディ・シャドウ》《ヘル・ダブルクロー》のように「バトルに勝っても」と書いてあるクリーチャーは存在する。

スーサイドを得意とする闇文明に多い能力で、初期のブレインジャッカーはこのイメージが強い。 デメリットがある分、コストに対してパワーが大き目に設定されているのが普通。 破壊された時の効果とあわせて、メリットに転化するような動きをすることもしばしば。 但しバトルは「クリーチャーとのバトル」の事を指すので、相手プレイヤーのシールドをブレイクする行為はバトルにあたらず、《黒神龍ギランド》などのクリーチャーは破壊されない。


It is generally when a creature destroys itself regardless of it's power when it battles another creature, such as when being Blocked a another creature or the creature Blocks itself, usually as an effect.

Before the Fighting Spirit Saga, creatures with this effect in the OCG say: "Whenever this creature wins a battle, put it into the Graveyard." This is corrected in the TCG.

However, some cards post-Fighting Spirit Saga such as Bloody Cymbal, Bloody Shadow, Mystic Light Death Knight and the Cross Gear Hell Double Claw still says "Whenever this creature wins a battle" in their Reverse Slayer effects.

As suicide is one of the favorite techniques of the Darkness Civilization, most Reverse slayer cards are of the Darkness Civilization. Most early Brain Jackers tend to have reverse slayer effects as a drawback. This has later been used on Demon Commands, Zombie Dragons, Funky Knightmares, and other races of the Darkness Civilization.

As it is a demerit, creatures with this ability usually have an extremely high power-to-cost ratio, such as 6000 to 4. However, some creatures may utilize this to make their Put-into-Graveyard effects easier to trigger. (Such as Bhutan, Piggy Blues's Doron Go.) However as the Reverse Slayer effect only triggers when a creature battles another creature, it will not trigger when the creature with Reverse Slayer Breaks Shields as no battle will be considered performed. However if the creature attacks and gets blocked it will be destroyed instantly even if the Blocker in question is weaker than the attacking creature.

The Reverse Slayer effect triggers after the battle. as a result, if some effect bounces a creature in the middle of a battle, the Reverse Slayer effect may not trigger.


Bloody Series



  • This is nicknamed as "Crunchy" by Wizards of the Coast.