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Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This psychic creature is the awakened form of Redzone X, Temporal Forbidden. Double Sided Card
Redzone Basara, Final Awakened
しゅうえんかくせいしゃ レッドゾーンBSRバサラ
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Psychic Creature
Mana Cost: 12
Races: Sonic Command / Invader Invader / Initials X
English Text:

​■ Triple breaker

■ Whenever this creature attacks, choose one of the following.

► Your opponent chooses 2 cards from their hand and discards them.
► Choose one of your opponent's creatures and they put a seal on it.

(To seal a card, put the top card of your deck face down on it.)

Japanese Text:

​■ Tトリプル・ブレイカー

■ このクリーチャーが攻撃する時、次のうちいずれか1つを選ぶ。

► 相手は自身の手札を2枚選んで捨てる。
► 相手のクリーチャーを1体選び、相手はそれに封印を1つ付ける。


Power: 15000
Flavor Text: バサラが仲間たちと作り上げた理想のバイク。そのバイクが復讐のためにクリーチャーとなった。それがレッドゾーンだ! The ideal bike that Basara created with his friends. The bike became a creature of revenge. That is Redzone! (DMBD-21)
Mana Number: 0
Illustrator: Mikio Masuda
Other Card Information: