Rebirth Chain 転生連鎖 (Tensei Rensa) | |
Released: | DM-37 Dark Emperor | | Article |
Rebirth Chain is a keyword exclusive to one creature in the Water Civilization.
This keyword is a variant of the Chain keyword.
Rather than only triggering when it is put into the battle zone, it also triggers when it is put into the graveyard.
Like Chain, it is only featured on cards with Magic Soul.
Reminder Text[]
The latest reminder text for Rebirth Chain reads:
Rebirth Chain (When you put this creature into the battle zone or when this creature is destroyed, look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a creature that costs less than this creature, you may put it into the battle zone.) |
6 Butterfly Brandy, Electro-Taiga |
Water / Creature Cyber Command + Liquid People 4000 |
■ Rebirth Chain (When you put this creature into the battle zone, or when this creature is destroyed, look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a creature that costs less than this creature, you may put it into the battle zone.) ■ Each of your other creatures in the battle zone that has a "Chain" ability gets +1000 power. |
Cards that support the Rebirth Chain ability
Support Creature: | Card Effect: |
Butterfly Brandy, Electro-Taiga | ■ Each of your other creatures in the battle zone that has a Chain ability gets +1000 power. |
Cards with the Rebirth Chain ability[]