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Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This psychic creature has a Psychic Link with Kiryuin Jin, Crimson Rage and Chain Arm Tribe Double Sided Card
When they awaken they flip into Chopping Ruzou, Rude Mincing Gang Leader.
Quattro Fang, Soul Gang Leader
Japanflag Japanese (kana): クワトロ・ファング (Quattro Fang)
Japanflag Japanese (base): 魂の大番長「四つ牙」
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Psychic Creature
Mana Cost: 6
Races: Beast Folk / Hunter
English Text:

■ At the start of your turn, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

​■ Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

(At the start of the game, psychic creatures aren't put into your deck and are put into your hyperspatial zone, and if a psychic creature is put into a zone other than the battle zone, they are returned there.)

Japanese Text:

■ 自分のターンのはじめに、自分の山札の上から1枚目をマナゾーンに置いてもよい。

■ W・ブレイカー (このクリーチャーは、シールドを2枚ブレイクする) 


Power: 6000
Flavor Text: 今日から仲間なんだな! ! I am a friend from today! ---『デュエル・マスターズV』 1巻 P132より ぶっちゃけのセリフ (DMX-25)
Mana Number: N/A
Illustrator: Kare
Other Card Information: