Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This psychic creature has a Victory Psychic Link with Ryusei Kaiser, the Victorious and Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious. Double Sided Card
When flipped, they awaken into Gaial Ore Dragon, the Vainglory.
Prin Prin, the Victorious
Japanflag Kana: しょうり (Shouri)
Civilizations: Light Light / Water Water / Nature Nature
Card Type: Psychic Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Races: Hunter / Alien
English Text:

When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone. Until the start of your next turn, that creature can't attack or block.

Victory Psychic Link—If you have Ryusei Kaiser, the Victorious and Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious in the battle zone, link them to this creature and flip this creature to its higher cost side.

(At the start of the game, psychic creatures aren't put into your deck and are put into your hyperspatial zone, and if a psychic creature is put into a zone other than the battle zone, they are returned there.)

Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーをバトルゾーンに出した時、バトルゾーンにある相手のクリーチャーを1体選ぶ。次の自分のターンのはじめまで、そのクリーチャーは攻撃もブロックもできない。



Power: 4000
Mana Number: 0
Illustrators: Hisanobu Kometani
Other Card Information: