Primal Giant
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Japanese (kana): | プライマル・ジャイアント (Primal Giant) |
Japanese (base): | とこしえの超人 |
Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 1 |
Race: | Giant |
English Text: |
Guard Strike (When you add this creature from your shield zone to your hand, you may reveal it to your opponent and choose one of your opponent's creatures. That creature can't attack this turn.) ■ This creature can't attack players. ■ Whenever your opponent would put a card from anywhere other than their hand, put it into its owner's mana zone instead. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーは相手プレイヤーを攻撃できない。 ■ 相手が自身の手札以外からカードを出す時、かわりにマナゾーンに置く。 |
Power: | 4000 |
Flavor Texts: | 振り下ろされた爪を刀で受け流したモモキング。咄嗟に反撃しようとするが、気づけばボルシャックの姿が炎の向こう側にいくつも見えていた。「炎の幻影。さて、本物の我を見破れるかな」それを聞くやいなや、モモキングは何と目を閉じた! Momoking parries the swung claws with his katana. He tries to counterattack, but he notices multiple Bolshacks on the opposing side of the fire. "An illusion of fire. Well, can you see the real me?" As soon as he hears that, Momoking closes his eyes! (DMRP-17) 巨人の三つの目はとこしえの時代から超獣世界をにらみ続けている。The three eyes of the giant have been glaring at the world of super creatures since the eternal era. (DM22-RP2) 超獣世界の歴史をめぐる戦いに勝利するのは、「新世界」への移行を企むヴォルゼオス・バラモルドか!? "Will the one who seeks to transition to the 'New World' Volzeos Balamord, emerge victorious in the battle over the history of the Super Creature World?!" (P14/Y20) 伸ばした腕は歴史をも超え、遥か彼方の不正を撃つ! "The outstretched arm surpasses even history, striking down injustice from afar!" (P78/Y20) とこしえからの変わらぬ強さを君に! "Granting you the unchanging strength from eternity!" (P31/Y23) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | otumami |
DMRP-17 RexStars and Dispector
25/95 — Uncommon DM22-RP1 Legendary Jashin TF15/TR10, T15/T20 — Uncommon DM22-RP2 Dragon Emperor of Booming Flame T15F/TF20, T15/T20 — Uncommon Promotional P14/Y20, P78/Y20, P31/Y23 — Uncommon | |
Other Card Information:
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Primal Giant