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Pet Puppet, Puppet Trick
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 3
English Text:

Gravity Zero: If you have a Death Puppet, you may cast this spell for no cost.

■ Your opponent discards a card at random from their hand.

Japanese Text:

■ G・ゼロ: 自分のデスパペットがあれば、この呪文をコストを支払わずに唱えてもよい。

■ 相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。

Flavor Texts: ジェニーちゃんもオレ様の手にかかれば思いのままだブー! "If Jenny-chan is in my hands, she'll be just as I wish! Buu!" —Bhutan, Piggy Blues (DMR-10)
卑怯!? 闇文明には誉め言葉よ。 —解体人形ジェニー "Underhanded!? In the Darkness Civilization, it's considered a compliment." —Jenny, the Dismantling Puppet (DM22-EX2)
他の花嫁候補が正攻法でドラゴンの王子にアピールする中、メアリー・ジェニーは裏技で后の座を射止めようとしていた。"While other bride candidates were appealing to the Dragon Prince through conventional means, Mary Jenny was using unconventional methods to secure the position of queen." (DM24-EX1)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Yuichi Maekawa
Other Card Information: