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Template:Hall of Fame

This is a Vanilla card.
Perfect Galaxy, Immortality Elemental
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Race: Angel Command
Power: 9000
Flavor Texts: An unbreakable body and unbreakable heart leads him to victory in every battle. 砕けぬ身体と折れぬ心が、あらゆる戦を勝利へと導く. (DM-28)
かつて誰も到達出来なかった強さの高みを目指せるのなら、僕は命までも燃焼させよう! I will burn even my life to reach the peak of strength that none has ever reached before!―Hakuoh (DM-28, Heroes Card)
不死身な身体、そして心! まさにキング・オブ・デュエル!! The immortal body and heart! Such as is the King of Duel!
八重子はパーフェクトなレディですのよ! Yaeko is a perfect lady! ―Yaeko (DMX-12)
不滅の名前、不滅の力は伝説となって語り継がれていた。The name and power of Immortal is passed down as a legend. (DMX-16)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Daisuke Izuka
Other Card Information: