Otaketake M
オタケタケ | |
Japanese (kana): | エム (Emu) |
Japanese (base): | オタケタケM |
Civilization: | Darkness |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 2 |
Races: | Funky Knightmare / Initials |
English Text: |
■ When this creature leaves the battle zone, your opponent chooses and discards a card. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンを離れた時、相手は自身の手札を1枚選び、捨てる。 |
Watermark(s): | |
Power: | 2000 |
Flavor Text: | 革命軍より先にドルマゲドンXと戦う存在がいた。それが、真のKのマスター、キル・ザ・ボロフだ。There was someone battling Dormageddon ahead of the Revolutionaries. That was the true Master of K, Kill the Borof. (DMR-23) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Chihiro Okitsune |
Other Card Information:
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