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Onsa = Mansa
Japanflag Japanese (base): オンサ=マンサー
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 1
Race: Abyss Royale
English Text:

​​Blocker Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)

■ This creature can't attack players.

When you put this creature, look at the top card of your deck. You may put it into your graveyard.

Japanese Text:

​​Blocker ブロッカー(このクリーチャーをタップして、相手クリーチャーの攻撃先をこのクリーチャーに変更してもよい)

■ このクリーチャーは攻撃できない。

■ このクリーチャーが出た時、自分の山札の上から1枚目を見る。それを墓地に置いてもよい。

Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: エルボロムとアゲブロムが超獣世界のクリーチャーに対抗心を燃やしたのに対し、シンベロムとフミビロムは理解を深めるアプローチをとった結果、夜の四天王は今や真っ二つの陣営に分かれてしまった。While Elbollom and Agebullom burned with rivalry against the creatures of the Super Creature World, Shinbellom and Fumibillom took an approach of deepening their understanding. As a result, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Night are now divided into two opposing factions. (DM24-RP3)
1コスト、2コストと連続で召喚して、3ターン目にハイパーエナジーでワレを降臨させよ! そうすれば貴様も立派な我がしもべと認めてやるぞ。"Summon with 1 cost, then 2 cost in succession, and on the third turn, bring me down with Hyper Energy! Only then will I acknowledge you as a worthy servant of mine." —Hyper = Energy = Jashin Emperor (SpDeck11)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: chiam
Other Card Information: