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Onifuda Overlord Coalition
(Onifuda Haou Rengou)
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The Onifuda Overlord Coalition is an alliance of various factions in the Duel Masters Creature World that serves as the antagonists of the story of the Ten Kings block.


It is the combined union of the following races:

Civilization: Kingdom: Leader: User: Status:
DarknessFire Onifuda Kingdom Onifuda Kingdom Jaouga, Oniga Overlord
おにおう ジャオウガ
Abaku Onifuda Leader, active
DarknessNature Fushigi Kingdom Fushigi Kingdom Gigandydanos, Big Tree King
Elder of the Nature Civilization Destroyed and defected
WaterFire Bikkuri Kingdom Bikkuri Kingdom Meteorshower Auroratheater
Chouki Active
LightNature Bouken Kingdom Bouken Kingdom Gorio Bugori, Gorira King
剛力羅王ごりらおう ゴリオ・ブゴリ
Saiki Active
LightDarkness Gekko Kingdom Gekko Kingdom Moon, Destruction, Satan and Angel
Kouki Active


The Coalition of Kingdoms emerged from the remains of Zeron, hundreds of millions of light years ago. They appear to be ancient creatures, and Moon, Destruction, Satan and Angel in particular, existed since 200 thousand light years away.

Their leader is Jaouga, Oniga Overlord of the Onifuda Kingdom and his subordinates were fellow Kingdoms he defeated and put under his wings, including the Bouken Kingdom, Bikkuri Kingdom and Gekko Kingdom. Jaouga challenges the strongest of foes to take away their most important things as a proof of his victory over them. The things taken away from the kingdoms he defeated and integrated into consist of the "Beauty" of the Bikkuri Kingdom, the "Pride" of Bouken Kingdom and the "Love" of Gekko Kingdom.

Fushigi Kingdom is a unique case, since it was a result of the Nature Civilization defecting for the sake of saving their princess Momo Uraraka. With Momo saved thanks to Momoking and Issun Smallworld, Fushigi Kingdom returns to the Nature Civilization and ceases to exist.

The Coalition's aim was to defeat Duel Master candidates and bring the entire world under their control. However, they were opposed by Team Kirifuda, Team Bomber, Team Ginga and Team Wave, led by their respective civilization's new Masters.

Jaouga also summons and revives Dragons to spy on the four Kingdoms under his supervision. These Dragons include Gigadydanos, Protagonist, Justica and Siegstorz. Once this was known and exposed to the remaining three Kingdoms, Moon, Destruction, Satan and Angel assists I Am Justice If You Want in defeating Justica, Siegstorz was defeated by Dynabolt and Protagonist (alongside his right hand man Skeptic) was defeated by King Manifest and Meteorshower Auroratheater.


  • Their nature as invaders from a distant past because of a time-space distortion induced by the final antagonist of the previous block makes them similar to Origins.
  • In the anime, only Gekko Kingdom and Fushigi Kingdom had been initially confronted with by the correct human Duel Master representing their respective teams, as compared to Flavor Text and details in the Background Story.