Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
This is a Vanilla card.
Nyanjiro, Treasure Cat
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 3
Race: Dreammate
Power: 3000
Flavor Text: 伝説の秘宝が眠る宝物庫に辿り着いたパーロック。「ついにお宝を発見したぞ!」うれしさのあまり思わずそう叫んだ瞬間、天井から巨大な猫が落ちてきてお宝を踏みつぶしてしまった。パーロック「お、俺様のお宝が...」 ニャンジロー「すいません、いきなり大声出すもんだから、ついキャットなっちゃいまして...」 . At last Parlock had made it to the treasury which held legendary, hidden treasure. "I've found the treasure!" he exclaimed loudly. In the thrill of discovery he forgot to lower his voice. As soon as he shouted, a gigantic cat fell from the ceiling and fell on the treasure, completely smashing it. "M-my treasure" Parlock stammered. "Sorry, you made such a racket you scared me and I fell. I'm a cat you see." replied Nyanjiro. (DM-34)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Somen
Other Card Information:

DMX-12 Black Box Pack
