No.2 Wood's Tiger-kun
2 | |
Japanese (base): | 2番ウッドのタイガーくん |
Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 2 |
Race: | Dreammate |
English Text: |
■ Whenever this creature would be put into your mana zone from anywhere other than your hand, put it into the battle zone instead. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーが自分の手札以外のどこからでもマナゾーンに置かれる時、かわりにバトルゾーンに出す。 |
Power: | 3000 |
Flavor Text: | この間の大異変であちこち地形が変わって大変だったけど、剛流振のコースだけはドラゴンの背にあるから無事だったね。さーて、お昼寝中のオービーメイカーを起こさないように、「回転」の力を駆使してそーっと球を着地させなきゃ……って、うわーっ! 起きちゃったーっ!? It was tough with the terrain changing all over the place due to the recent cataclysm, but only the course of the stiff-stream swing is on the dragon's back, so it was safe. Now, I have to use the power of "rotation" to gently land the ball so as not to wake up the napping orb-maker. ...... I woke up! ―No.2 Wood's Tiger-kun (DM22-RP1) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | koki |
Other Card Information:
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No.2 Wood's Tiger-kun