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New World King's
(Shin Sekaiō no)
Dmwiki.net: Article

New World King Cycle refers to a cycle of 5 cards.


Each card is a King Cell that is an an Enemy Civilization combination of three civilizations and is untapped when they are put into your mana zone from your hand.

These King Cells also each have the ​Guard Strike Guard Strike keyword.

0 / 9 New World King's Authority
Light Light Darkness Darkness Fire Fire
King Cell
Guard Strike Guard Strike
■ When you put this card from your hand into your mana zone, untap it.
(Combines with New World King's Thoughts and New World King's Fighting Spirit into Volzeos Balamord.)

0 / 13 New World King's Creation
Light Light Water Water Fire Fire
King Cell
Guard Strike Guard Strike
■ When you put this card from your hand into your mana zone, untap it.
(Combines with New World King's Destruction into New World Order.)

This cycle is similar to the Magic Circle cycle of tamaseeds, but they have other abilities that trigger when they are put into the battle zone, as well as being Allied Civilization cards and having a Demon Command race and the Shinkarise keyword.

There are 2 other monocolored King Cells in the Nature Civilization, King's Fighting Spirit and King's Thoughts

  • However, while they can combine to form Volzeos Balamord, New World King, they only provide one civilization of mana and can't form the same mana base for deck construction purposes as this cycle.

When discussing these cards, the performance of the combined card is often overlooked. While the combined card's performance is undoubtedly powerful, the individual cells already excel in their role as mana foundations and boast exceptional versatility. This makes them highly effective even if left incomplete or included in a deck in limited numbers.

List of New World King's cards[]

Card: Civilizations: Combined:
New World King's Authority Light Darkness Fire Volzeos Balamord
New World King's Thoughts Water Fire Nature
New World King's Fighting Spirit Light Darkness Nature
New World King's Creation Light Water Fire New World Order
New World King's Destruction Water Darkness Nature