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Neon Cluster
Neon Cluster
Japanflag Phonetic: Shainsheru Kurasutā
Civilization: Water Water
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Race: Cyber Cluster
English Text:

Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to use its Tap ability.

Tap Draw 2 cards.
Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーで攻撃する代わりに、タップして次のTap能力を使ってもよい。

Tap カードを2枚引く。
Power: 4000
Flavor Texts: "You can win more wars by thinking than you can by fighting." —Marinomancer (DM-06)
殴ればいいってもんじゃないよ。 —Aquan (DM-06, DMC-13)
左前方に敵影、左後方に鉱脈を感知・・・。より深く敵を知れ。 (P4/Y2)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Sansyu
Other Card Information: