Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian
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Civilization: | Light |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 5 |
Race: | Guardian |
English Text: |
■ Whenever another creature is put into the battle zone, you may draw a card. |
Japanese Text: |
■ 他のクリーチャーがバトルゾーンに出た時、カードを1枚引いてもよい。 |
Power: | 2000 |
Flavor Texts: | "When you shine a light into a dark corner, the shadow instantly vanishes. This should be an easy war." (DM-04) 控えよ! 神に叛きし者どもよ! Refrain! You rebels against the gods! (DM-04, DMC-13, DMC-18, DMC-27) 聖域への侵入者を察知するたび、は警告をあたえ、制裁の準備を整える。Whenever the guardians sense intruders in the sanctuary, they give warning and prepare to deliver judgment. (DMX-01) 殿堂の栄光を手にした、輝きの存在が言葉を告げた「反撃ブロックを展開せよ!」The shining existence that attained the glory of the Hall of Fame said "Expand the Counterattacking Block!" (DMD-06) 光文明最強の殿堂カードが、新たなモードで登場した。The strongest Hall of Fame card of the Light Civilization appeared in a new mode. (DMX-12) どこの世界であっても、ミスト・リエスは後続を供給し続ける。No matter what world it is, Mist Rias continues to supply reinforcements. (DMD-16) 黄昏の時、聖なる甲冑が光を放ち、粛正を始める。 At the time of dawn, the holy armor unleashes its light and starts the purge. (P19/Y1) ~チームボンバーの掟~ 多くのクリーチャーを並べるには当然手札も超重要! クリーチャーを出すとカードを引ける能力は、チームボンバーと相性ピッタリだ! (DMEX-11) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Yusaku Nakaaki |
DM-04 Shadowclash of Blinding Night
13/55 — Uncommon DM-04 Challenge of Black Shadow 24/55 — Uncommon Shadowclash Collector Tin 10/46, 10a/46 — Uncommon DMC-13 CoroCoro New Generation Pack 7/37 — Uncommon DMC-18 Shobu's Holy Dragon Deck 19/102 — Uncommon DMC-27 CoroCoro Dream Pack 21/55 — Uncommon DMD-06 Rising Dash Deck: Counterattack Block! 11/14 — Rare DMX-01 King of Duel Road: Strong 7 4/40 — Rare DMX-12 Black Box Pack b86/??? — Rare DMD-16 Beginning Dragon Deck: Heavenly Justice Dragon 8/13 — Rare DMX-20 Deck Ultimate Perfection!! Due-Max 160 ~Revolution & Invasion~ 36/68 — Uncommon DMX-23 Mystery Teach!! Deck Level MAX Pack 35/60 — Uncommon DMSP-01 Fancy! Grandy!! JoeDeckie BOX!! 30/48 — Uncommon DMEX-11 W-Team Docking Pack: Team Ginga & Team Bomber 16/42 — Uncommon Promotional P19/Y1 — Uncommon | |
Other Card Information:
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Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian