The Door of Miracle and Mystery 【ミラクルとミステリーの扉 ( とびら ) 】 (Mirakuru to Misuterī no Tobira)
Savage Blaster 獰猛ブラスター (Dōmō Burasutā)
Mystery Cube ミステリー・キューブ (Misuterī Kyūbu)
Miramisu is a combo deck type.
Details [ ]
It first emerged in the metagame of Episode 2 , its name being composed from the first parts of the words ミラクル (Mirakuru ) and ミステリー (Misuteri ) from the card name of "The Door of Miracle and Mystery".
The deck aims to spam powerful creatures through the effects of spells such as Hogan Blaster and Mystery Cube . Due to the high restrictions imposed by the Hall of Fame , such as the banning of The Door of Miracle and Mystery , this deck has been severely weakened, but it has remained in the meta scene.
However, due to this, it is commonly known as "Cube Blaster".
Recommended cards [ ]
Recommended cards:
Hogan Blaster Mystery Cube
Cores of the deck.
Positron Sign Crystal Memory Dondon Vacuuming Now
Search for Hogan Blaster /Mystery Cube .
Faerie Life Geo Bronze Magic Gachinko Roulette Child Festival of Faerie Fire
Mana acceleration.
Savage Earth Onishura, Golden Twins
Alternative way of bringing out powerful creatures.
El Dorado, Taiga Elemental Baban Ban Ban, Earth's Blessing Nibai Nibai, Mysterious Fire Yokozuna Codename Snake Codeking Wilhelm Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal Kiryuin Jin, Honorless Battle GILL Supergalactic Dragon Cyber A Irons Spell Del Fin, Light Divine Dragon Codeking Number Nine Codename Sherlock Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush Forever Princess, Eternal Ruler Codeking Mozart Trueking Wagner King Tsunami 5000GT, Riot Gospel, Oracle King Atlantis, Deepsea Evangelist Destrozione, Knowledge Destroyer Dorago the Great, Dragon World Wald Brachio, Absolute World King
Powerful creatures to be brought into play.
"Balga" version [ ]
Recently a new version of the deck has been made, focusing on Balga Raizou, the Super-Heavenly Nova , thus mixing Drama strategies with it.
Dragon Saga version [ ]
Even with the recent hits from the Hall of Fame , the deck type is still going strong due to both Faerie Miracle and Sr Spellcyclica, Dragment Symbol .
Recommended cards:
Mystery Cube Hogan Blaster Sr Spellcyclica, Dragment Symbol
Cores of the deck.
Faerie Miracle Makunoka and Nukunoka, Double Chance Gachinko Roulette Seventh Tower Shrine of Rebirth
Mana acceleration.
Og Amate Radial, Dragment Symbol
Cast cheap spells.
Transmogrify Orochi of the Hidden Blade Savage Earth Onishura, Golden Twins
Alternative way of bringing out fatties.
Dondon Vacuuming Now Counterattacking Silent Spark
Codeking Wilhelm Codeking Mozart Onimaru "Head", Victory Rush Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor Ryusei Kaiser, the Eternal 5000GT, Riot Codeking Number Nine Dorago the Great, Dragon World VAN Beethoven, Zenith of "Shura"
Fatties to be spammed.
Hyperspatial Green White Hole Hyperspatial White Blue Hole Hyperspatial Guard Hole
Hyperspatial spells.
Prin Prin, the Victorious Diabolos Zeta, Temporal Ruler Diabolos Double Zeta, Temporal Demon Dragon Dias Zeta, the Temporal Suppressor Black Ganveet, Temporal Wicked Soldier Gaial Kaiser, the Victorious Ryusei Kaiser, the Victorious
Psychic creatures.