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This is a list of trigger conditions found on trigger abilities.

Trigger condition: Introduced in: Example card:
At the end of each of your turns DM-01 Urth, Purifying Elemental
When you put this creature into the battle zone DM-01 Aqua Hulcus
Whenever any of your creatures becomes blocked DM-01 Creeping Plague
When this creature wins a battle DM-01 Bloody Squito
Whenever this creature attacks DM-02 Horrid Worm
Whenever this creature blocks DM-02 Spiral Grass
When this creature is destroyed DM-02 Bombersaur
When this creature attacks a player DM-02 Marrow Ooze, the Twister
Whenever another creature is put into the battle zone DM-04 Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian
Whenever another creature is destroyed DM-04 Mongrel Man
At the end of the turn DM-04 Whisking Whirlwind
Whenever this creature becomes blocked DM-05 Avalanche Giant
Whenever your opponent causes a card to be put into your graveyard from your mana zone DM-05 Snork La, Shrine Guardian
Whenever your opponent uses the "shield trigger" ability of a shield broken by this creature DM-05 Pokolul
At the end of this turn DM-05 Brutal Charge
Whenever any of your creatures finishes attacking this turn DM-05 Miracle Quest
Whenever your opponent summons a creature or casts a spell DM-06 King Triumphant
When this creature battles DM-06 Vile Mulder, Wing of the Void
At the end of your turn DM-06 Pyrofighter Magnus
Whenever you draw the card at the start of your turn DM-07 Cosmic Nebula
Whenever any of those creatures battles DM-07 Battleship Mutant
Whenever any of your civilization creatures is attacking your opponent and becomes blocked DM-07 Spinning Totem
Whenever this creature is attacked DM-07 Scalpel Spider
Whenever your opponent uses the "shield trigger" ability of one of his shields DM-08 Emperor Quazla
Whenever any of your creatures attacks DM-08 Thrumiss, Zephyr Guardian
Whenever this creature is attacking your opponent and becomes blocked DM-08 Carbonite Scarab
Whenever this creature is attacking your opponent and isn't blocked DM-08 Gachack, Mechanical Doll
When you put another creature into the battle zone DM-08 Tyrant Worm
Whenever a player casts a spell DM-08 Sol Galla, Halo Guardian
Whenever you put a race or a creature that has race category in its race into the battle zone DM-08 Bakkra Horn, the Silent
Whenever you put another creature that has race category in its race into the battle zone DM-09 Marching Motherboard
Whenever you put a race into the battle zone DM-09 Azaghast, Tyrant of Shadows
Whenever you put another creature into the battle zone DM-09 Vreemah, Freaky Mojo Totem
Whenever your opponent casts a spell DM-09 Ice Vapor, Shadow of Anguish
Whenever one of your race is destroyed DM-09 Simian Warrior Grash
Whenever this creature attacks a creature that has power # or more DM-10 Smash Warrior Stagrandu
Whenever one of your creatures is attacked DM-10 Bubble Scarab
At the start of each of your opponent's turns DM-10 Spinal Parasite
At the start of each player's turn DM-11 Evil Incarnate
Whenever one of your creatures is destroyed during your opponent's turn DM-11 Lamiel, Destiny Enforcer
When each player untaps his cards at the start of his turn DM-11 Warped Lunatron
Whenever you summon a creature DM-11 Live and Breathe
Whenever any of your opponent's creatures is destroyed this turn DM-11 Slash and Burn
Whenever this creature attacks or leaves the battle zone DM-12 Wise Starnoid, Avatar of Hope
When this creature leaves the battle zone DM-12 Cruel Naga, Avatar of Fate
At the end of each turn DM-12 Gigavrand
When another creature is put into battle zone DM-12 Whirling Warrior Malian
Whenever one of your race1 or race2 blocks DM-12 Agira, the Warlord Crawler
Whenever any of your race1 or race2 is attacking and isn't blocked DM-12 Nemonex, Bajula's Robomantis
When a player evolves another creature DM-12 Copper Locust