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Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This dragheart is the flipped side of Jurapil, Egg Hammer. Double Sided Card
Double Sided Card This dragheart can flip over into Juran Kuruga, Growthkind. Double Sided Card
Le=Piraju, Birth Mystery
Japanflag Japanese (base): 生誕神秘ル=ピラッジュ
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Dragheart Fortress Dragheart icon
Mana Cost: 4
English Text:

■ Whenever one of your nature creatures attacks, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Dragsolution: At the start of your turn, if you have 12 or more cards in your mana zone, you may flip this card to the dragheart creature side and untap it.

Japanese Text:

■ 自分の自然のクリーチャーが攻撃する時、自分の山札の上から1枚目をマナゾーンに置いてもよい。

■ 龍解:自分のターンのはじめに、自分のマナゾーンにカードが12枚以上あれば、このドラグハートをクリーチャー側に裏返し、アンタップしてもよい。

Mana Number: N/A
Illustrator: Futaro
Other Card Information: