Koala Fighter
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Japanese (kana): | コアラ・ファイター (Koala Fighter) |
Japanese (base): | 勇狩の蛮人 |
Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Race: | Beast Folk |
English Text: |
■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone, these 2 creatures battle. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーをバトルゾーンに出した時、バトルゾーンにある相手のクリーチャーを1体選び、その2体をバトルさせる。 |
Power: | 3000 |
Flavor Text: | 勇敢に狩る! それが俺の仕事! そして一仕事終えたら……もちろんユーカリ! "Bravely hunt! That's my job! And after the job is done...of course, Eucalyptus!" ─Koala Fighter (DMR-09) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | NAKAGAWA |
Other Card Information:
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Koala Fighter