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Duel Masters Wiki
Double Sided Card This psychic creature can awaken into Jungle Kankuro, the Awakened Dramatic. Double Sided Card
Kankuro, Temporal Actor
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Psychic Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Races: Earth Dragon / Giant / Samurai
English Text:

Awaken—At the end of your turn, if you put a creature that has power 7000 or more into the battle zone this turn, flip this creature to its higher cost side.

​■ Double breaker

(At the start of the game, psychic creatures aren't put into your deck and are put into your hyperspatial zone, and if a psychic creature is put into a zone other than the battle zone, they are returned there.)

Japanese Text:

■ 覚醒—自分のターンの終わりに、そのターン、バトルゾーンに自分のパワー7000以上のクリーチャーを出していた場合、このクリーチャーをコストの大きいほうに裏返す。

​■ Wダブル・ブレイカー


Power: 6000
Mana Number: 0
Illustrator: Hisanobu Kometani
Other Card Information: