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Kanashimi of Satan and Angel
Japanflag Kana: サタン (Satan) エンジェル (Angel)
Civilization: Darkness Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 2
Race: Gekko Kingdom Gekko Kingdom
English Text:

■ Your opponent discards a card at random from their hand.

■ Return one of your shields to your hand. You can't use the "shield trigger" ability of that shield.

Japanese Text:

■ 相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。

■ 自分のシールドを1つ、手札に加える。ただし、その「S・トリガー」は使えない。

Flavor Texts: 月が輝く時 魔王と天使がダンスを踊る
When the moon shines, Satan and Angel dances
(Translation: Like last time, the Twelve Divine Horsemen shine their light to remove the shadows, but this time, for some reason the shadows don't disappear.) (DMRP-15)
カナシミも力に変えるのだ! (P71/Y22)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Sansyu
Other Card Information: