This card is prohibited. |
Just In Fooling
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Japanese (base): | JUST IN FOOLING |
Civilization: | Darkness |
Card Type: | Spell |
Mana Cost: | 5 |
English Text: |
■ For each opponent, choose one of their creatures and put one of your sealed Duel Masters booster packs on it as a Seal. When that Seal is removed, the creature's owner opens the pack and adds those cards to their collection. |
Japanese Text: |
(各相手のクリーチャーを1体ずつ選び、自分のデュエマ系開封パックを封印としてそれらのクリーチャーの上に1つずつ置く。その封印が外れた時、封印されていたクリーチャーの持ち主はそのパックを開け、中のカードを自身のコレクションに加える。) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Shigenobu Matsumoto |
Other Card Information:
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