Jinaburi Giant
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Japanese (base): | 巨進の超人 |
Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Race: | Giant |
English Text: |
Guard Strike ■ When you put this creature, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone tapped. Then you may return a card from your mana zone to your hand. ■ Once per turn, when you summon another creature, you may put a creature that has the same name from your mana zone. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーが出た時、自分の山札の上から1枚目をタップしてマナゾーンに置く。その後、カードを1枚、自分のマナゾーンから手札に戻してもよい。 ■ 各ターンに一度、自分の他のクリーチャーが召喚によって出た時、それと同じ名前のクリーチャーを1体、自分のマナゾーンから出してもよい。 |
Power: | 5000 |
Flavor Texts: | 街も村も人も消え、静寂だけが残る。The towns, the villages, and the people all vanish, leaving only silence. (DM24-RP1, S10) その巨人たちが通った跡は、全く同じ轍がいくつも残る。The tracks left behind by those giants exhibit precisely matching grooves. (DM24-RP1, TR8) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Shishizaru |
DM24-RP1 Demon of Hypermoon
S10/S10, TR8/TR11 — Super Rare DM24-RP1 Demon of Hypermoon TR8/TR11 — Super Rare | |
Other Card Information:
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Jinaburi Giant