Jasmine, Mist Faerie
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Civilization: | Nature |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 2 |
Race: | Snow Faerie |
English Text: |
■ When you put this creature, you may destroy this creature. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. |
Japanese Text: |
■ このクリーチャーが出た時、このクリーチャーを破壊してもよい。そうした場合、自分の山札の上から1枚目をマナゾーンに置く。 |
Power: | 1000 |
Flavor Texts: | 命を育むため、ジャスミンは自らの命をかけた。 To cultivate life, Jasmine put her own life on the line. (DMR-01, DMPCD-03) 土に還ることが私の幸せ。そして大きな実は育てばいい。"Coming home to the earth is my happiness. I hope something great will come out." —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMR-01, Mode Change Card) 私の生命が、希望の花になる。それがきっと幸せなこと。 "My life will become the flower of hope. I am sure that is a fortunate thing." ―Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMD-03) ジャスミンの素直な働きは多くの人に愛された。そう、ジャスミンの花言葉は、素直。 The honest work of Jasmine was loved by many people. Yes, Jasmine is honesty in the language of flowers. (DMX-12) 友達になろうよ! "Let's become friends!" —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMX-14) みんなが活躍できるように、せっせと種をまきましょう。 "For everyone to be active, let's sow away." —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMD-13) 私は魂を投げ出すのではありません。大地と一緒になるだけです。 "I am not throwing away my soul. I am merely becoming one with the Earth." (DMX-16) ファーッハッハッハッ! 煉獄の儀式があるかぎり、邪眼一族は不滅!! "Hardy-har-har-har! As long as there is the Ritual of Purgatory, the Wicked-eyed clan is immortal!!" -Romanov the 1st, Lord of the Demonic Eye (DMD-25) あたしも覇王復活の為にがんばっちゃうの。"I will also work hard for the Tyrant's resurrection." —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMD-33) マナはいかがですか、ご主人様? "How is the mana, my lord?" —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMX-24) 私の後にハムカツマン、そしてドギラゴン銀刃が必勝パターンなのよ! "Hamukatsuman, Let's Go 1!, after me, then Dogiragon Silver is the pattern of certain victory!" —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMD-34) "The reason why the world wasn't destroyed when the Galaxy Blade and Galaxy Shot collided was because of the Dolge Brave Ten! Dolgeyukimura and the Brave Ten's legend shall be passed on to the ages to come!" —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMBD-02) ハンターとエイリアンの戦い。その結末は、第三勢力アンノウンの登場により、パンドラスペースの消滅という思わぬ形となった。The war between Hunters and Aliens. The end resulted in an unexpected form of annihilation of the Pandora Space by the appearance of the third fraction. (DMEX-01) マナ加速と大型クリーチャー、どちらとしても使えるツインパクトが豊富なのがこのデッキの強みだ! "The strength of this deck lies in its abundance ofTwinpact cards, which can be used for both mana acceleration and summoning large creatures!" (DMBD-08) 「Instant Wave」にアップする画像や動画は基本的にどんなものでも自由だが、あまりに過激すぎる内容に対してはコンプライーグルが飛んでくる。"On 'Instant Wave' you can generally post any images or videos, but extremely extreme content might trigger a compliance flag." (DMEX-09) みんなで願えば、きっと山は応えてくれるよ‼︎ "If you make a wish like that, the mountain will surely respond!" —Jasmine, Mist Faerie (DMEX-12) 真邪眼騎士団は、フィオナの森を燃やさなかった。煉獄そのものを超獣世界に呼び出すための器として必要だったからだ。"The True Wicked-eyed Knights didn't burn Fiona Woods because they needed it as a vessel to summon the Inferno itself into the Creature World." (DM23-BD5) ドラゴンの王子の花嫁候補探しを託されたミロクは、花嫁探しのための魔導具、シラハアローを作成した。これによって、ドラゴンの花嫁はすぐに見つかる……はずだったのだが……。"Miroku, entrusted with the task of finding a bride for the Dragon Prince, created a magical tool for the search, the Shiraha Arrow. With it, the Dragon Bride was supposed to be found quickly… or so it was thought…" (DM24-EX1) 花でいっぱいになーれ! "Let's fill everything up with flowers!" (P47/Y11) 八重子 「やっぱりジャスミン様には助けられますのよ!」 リリィ「うむ!わらわもいつも世話になってるのじゃ」 アン 「この働きっぷりにはアンちゃんも汗顔の至りっす」 トモ 「トモちゃんチェックです! 」 Yaeko: "As expected, Jasmine-sama always helps us!" Lily: "Indeed! I am always in her debt as well." Anne: "I’m truly humbled by this level of dedication." Tomo: "Tomo-chan check!" (P48/Y12) ハンバーグー! "Hamburger!" —コロッケ (P99/Y13) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrators: | Tanru TY manavu kashimoto sarmat さいとうなおき |
DMR-01 First Contact
109/110, 109/110 — Common DMD-03 Strong Metal Deck: Explosive Dash 15/15 — Common DMX-12 Black Box Pack a36/38 — Common DMX-14 The Greatest Strategies Perfect 12 84/84 — Common DMD-13 Super Deck MAX: Katsuking and Legendary Secret Treasure 20/22 — Common DMX-16 The Great Royal Strategies: Fantasista 12 69/84 — Common DMD-25 Masters Chronicle Deck: Romanov Rises from Purgatory 16/17 — Common DMD-33 Masters Chronicle Deck 2016: The World's End by the God of Devils 18/19 — Common DMD-34 Deluxe DueGacha Deck: Hero of the Silver Blade Dogiragon 12/13 — Common DMX-24 Shine! Duedemy Prize Pack 50/54 — Common DMBD-02 Chronicle Legacy Deck: Storm Rising!! Dolge's Ninja Art 16/16 — Common DMEX-01 Duel Masters: Golden Best 50/80 [2011] — Common DMBD-08 Behold!! Twin Hero Deck 80: Final Hazard VS Moonless Moon a-13/13 — Common DMEX-09 W-Team Docking Pack: Team Kirifuda & Team Wave 36/42 — Common DMEX-12 Super Powerful Strategies!! Draring Pack 107/110 — Common DMRP-17 RexStars and Dispector 19A/20, 19B/20 — Common DMPCD-03 DueMaPlay's Collaboration Deck: The Fierce Dragon Hero and the Original Wicked Eye 激15/激17 — Common DM23-BD5 Exciting Duepa Deck: Disrespectful! Knights of the Evil Eye 53/60 — Common DM24-EX1 Hyper Thanksgiving Fantasy BEST 84/89 — Common Promotional P47/Y11, P48/Y12, P99/Y13, P81/Y16, P64/Y18, P67/Y18 — Common | |
Other Card Information:
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Jasmine, Mist Faerie