Jaouga, Oniga Rakshasa
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Civilizations: | Darkness / Fire |
Card Type: | Creature |
Mana Cost: | 6 |
Races: | Demonio / Onifuda Kingdom |
English Text: |
Guard Strike (When you add this creature from your shield zone to your hand, you may reveal it to your opponent and choose one of your opponent's creatures. That creature can't attack this turn.) Onitime: If you and your opponent have a total of 6 or less shields, if you have at least one darkness card and one fire card in your mana zone and you have no Jaouga, Oniga Rakshasa in the battle zone, you may summon this creature for no cost. ■ Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.) ■ Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) |
Japanese Text: |
自分と相手のシールドの数が合計6つ以下なら、自分と相手のシールドの数が合計6つ以下で、自分のマナゾーンに闇のカードと火のカードがそれぞれ1枚以上あり、バトルゾーンに自分の《鬼ヶ羅刹 ジャオウガ》がなければ、このクリーチャーをコストを支払わずに召喚してもよい。 ■ スピードアタッカー(このクリーチャーは召喚酔いしない) ■ |
Power: | 7000 |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | Mikio Masuda |
Other Card Information:
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