Duel Masters Wiki
Duel Masters Wiki
The original data of Noguzo, Degarnor, and Tagyasutsu that make up Instant Wave are controlled by the Cyber ruler, A Stra Zeele.
Instant Wave
Instantインスタント Waveウェーブ
(Insutanto U~ēbu)
Dmwiki.net: Article

Instant Wave is a network featured in the background story of the Duel Masters Creature World that appeared during the Ten Kings block.


It is a super network system (SNS) which you can only use if you join the Team Wave Team Wave race.

  • Within the system, members can send information to the entire world. However, if you break the rules, Compligle will come after you.

Unlike previous networks ran by the Water Civilization, it is a system created for all creatures to use, with no background conspiracies. Images and content are meant to be shared and enjoyed by everyone.

It is operated by a collegial system by votes from 3 supercomputers, Noguzo of Knowledge (知識のノギューゾ), Degarnor of Cyber (電脳のデガーノル) and Tagyasutsu of Entertainment (歓楽のタギャースツ).

  • Two of the 3 supercomputers (Degarnor and Tagyasutsu) were hacked by someone, an autonomous self destruction was decided by a majority vote.


It is featured on the flavor text of the following cards;


  • It is likely named after Instagram Wikipedia and is based on the Internet Wikipedia as a whole.
  • The 3 supercomputers shares similarity with the "Magi" system in the Neon Genesis Evangelion Wikipedia anime series. These 3 computers were also hacked which nearly caused self-destruction as well.