Ifrit Hand
イフリート・ハンド | |
Phonetic: | Ifurīto Hando |
Civilization: | Fire |
Card Type: | Spell |
Mana Cost: | 7 |
English Text: |
Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) ■ Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that costs 9 or less. |
Japanese Text: |
S・トリガー(この呪文をシールドゾーンから手札に加える時、コストを支払わずにすぐ唱えてもよい) ■ 相手のコスト9以下のクリーチャーを1体破壊する。 |
Flavor Texts: | 逆転の業火が敵を焼き尽くす。 The infernal flames of reversal burn the foes. (DMD-27) S・トリガーでいつでも逆転のチャンス! 相手の切り札をこいつで倒せ! "With Shield Trigger, there's always a chance for a comeback! Use this one to defeat the opponent's trump card!" (DMD-29) 熱き思いでデュエマをする君たちにも、デュエデミー賞を! "To you who play Duel Masters with passion, I award the Duel Academy Prize!" (DMX-24) ようこそ地獄へ。オレっちは初代エンマ大王、地獄王。—ゴクオーくん ""Welcome to Hell. I'm the first Enma Daiou, the King of Hell." -Gokou-kun (SpDeck3) S・トリガーは相手のブレイクで発動する逆転カード! どんなクリーチャーもこいつで一撃だ! "Shield Trigger is a reversal card activated by the opponent's break! With this, any creature can be taken down in one strike!" (SpDeck6) 相手のターンにS・トリガーで唱えた時も、Wave ウェイブやコバンザでGR召喚やドローができるぞ! "Even when cast with Shield Trigger during the opponent's turn, Wave and Cobanza allow you to Gacharange Summon or draw!" (DMSD-11) 「S・トリガー」は、まだ攻撃が済んでいないクリーチャーを狙おう! "Shield Trigger" aims for creatures that haven't finished their attack yet!" (SpDeck7) S・トリガーは逆転の必殺技だ! ブレイクされたシールドがコレだったら大チャンス! 相手の攻撃できるクリーチャーを破壊しよう! "Shield Trigger is a finishing move for a comeback! If the shield broken is this one, it's a huge opportunity! Destroy the creature the opponent can attack with!" (Gum1) |
Mana Number: | 1 |
Illustrator: | TUBAKI HALSAME |
DMD-27 Custom Transformation Deck Revolution vs. Invasion: Explosive Passion Fire Civilization
4/20 — No Rarity DMD-29 Revolution Start Deck: Katta's Whirlwindy Attack 5/13 — No Rarity DMX-24 Shine! Duedemy Prize Pack 48/54 — No Rarity CoroCoro Special Deck 6/14 — No Rarity Duema Gacharange Explosive Speed Start 52 Card Deck Set 12/15 — Common DMSD-11 Super GR Start Deck: Cap's WAVE Gacha Paradise 19/20 — Common Team Kirifuda Super King Deck 40 Card!! 7/11 — Common Special King Deck: Joe's Fire Civilization 4/10 — Common | |
Other Card Information:
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Ifrit Hand